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edited July 2012 in Vent
So my history teacher wanted us to wrie an eassy on a sports history. I pick HorseBack Riding, so I write my eassy blah blah bla. I hand it in he reades the title : History of the sport Horseback Riding. He hands it back to me and says : That is not a sport. I look at him like he is insane. I said: Uhh, umm, o..k..a..y. But yet cheerleading is a sport !! ahh okay vent is over.


  • Oh make him read this!<br><br>Yes it is a sport cheer leading give me a break! Ha horseback riding is too a sport it's the best sport oh god I'm mad now grrrr:/(

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  • Ikr!!! I said it is one of the hardest you are riding on horse that has its own mind and weighs 1200 ILBs ahh
  • Perhaps you could have focused a bit more and did the report on steeple chasing, dressage or jumping as those are Olympic sports.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I. CAN. NOT. STAND. WHEN. PEOPLE. SAY. IT. ISN'T. A SPORT. <br><br>It sure is! Anything to do with athletic effort and competing, at least to me, is considered a sport. <br><br>I would have your mom call him. xD especially if you worked hard and took time on it.
  • @ Alabama -I know but the sport itself has a lot of history...<br><br>@ Pumpkinpony- I know! My did after school we went to talk to him, ha he got a earfull.
  • Just a little snippet and people don't get mad at me here...<br><br>On a whole I do not class Horseback riding as a sport for the main reason that it can be a recreational hobby, however if you were to say Dressage, Barrel Racing, Jumping, Racing, anything such as that, and any other show types (sorry i don't ride anymore and when I did it wasn't for sport so don't know much) I would class them as a sport, because you are then aiming for something and have a goal. And you're not just doing it for fun at that point.<br><br>As there are many different types of horseback riding, some are not classed as sports. <br><br>However if I were you I would still complain to the teacher
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Yes I understand, and yes that teacher didnt hear the end of it, My essay was based on show jumping more then anything.
  • The teacher should have definitely read the piece before dismissing it as not a sport.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Well, to most people it isn't physical exercise and doesn't involve any competition. Horseback riding, in general, isn't sporting, even to me and I've been around horses almost all my life. It's sitting on a horse and telling it where to go. Remember, most people rent already trained horses and ride them on trails for an hour or two at a time, or they "play" being horse people and aren't serious about it, if they ever have anything to do with horses at all. You wouldn't call playing tag a sport when compared to 100 meter relay, or "horsing around" in a neighbor's pool a sport when compared to competitive diving, would you?<br><br>It's not like people have to take tests during gym or physical education class, they aren't required to run a cloverleaf on horse back like they are timed in a 50 yard dash. People just don't know, so you have to appeal to them in a different way to make them see some horseback riding is a sport. No one can claim an Olympic sport isn't a sport, so start there and work back to when horse back riding first started happening.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Yes I understand, and yes that teacher didnt hear the end of it, My essay was based on show jumping more then anything.
    <br><br>Then try retitling the essay something like the Olympic Sport of Show Jumping. A person shouldn't have to read anything to know what it's about. If it's about show jumping, that should be in the title, just a suggestion.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • This annoys me. Not necessarily because I believe riding is a sport, but because your educator's actions were completely unacceptable. When I went to school my teacher didn't deny my work because the title was off, he read the entire piece then graded it accordingly, taking off points where he saw fault. Isn't that a teacher's JOB? You should change the title, but keep the essay itself the same; then turn it in and see what you were -<span style="font-weight:bold">supposed</span>- to get as a grade.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Zyndalee wrote:
    This annoys me. Not necessarily because I believe riding is a sport, but because your educator's actions were completely unacceptable. When I went to school my teacher didn't deny my work because the title was off, he read the entire piece then graded it accordingly, taking off points where he saw fault. Isn't that a teacher's JOB? You should change the title, but keep the essay itself the same; then turn it in and see what you were -<span style="font-weight:bold">supposed</span>- to get as a grade.
    <br><br>Proofreading an assignment prior to being graded isn't an educator's job, it's a student's responsibility to make sure the assignment follows the criteria. For me, when a teacher denied my work because it didn't fit criteria, I was lots more happy than a teacher accepting what I gave and then getting an F for it, especially if they explained why they wouldn't accept it. In this case, the teacher denied it because the title wasn't a "sporting" title, they didn't recognize horse back riding as a sport, so an easy fix would be to change the title to reflect what majority of the topic is and then let the essay stand for itself and explain how it is a sport.<br><br>But then I'm old and when I went to junior high and high school, parents didn't get involved in your individual homework assignments unless requested by the teacher. A parent complaining to a teacher about how they graded or accepted as an assignment was unheard of. Students learned to ask all sorts of questions for clarification and to handle their own problems with a teacher either directly or indirectly through a school counselor or principal. The only times a parent really got involved contrary to a teacher was ALWAYS through the principal, never directly with the teacher and usually only when a student exhausted all other means to solve the problem or the problem was serious, as in a student failing a class or other concerns such as a teacher bullying a student or degrading them.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • If her essay had fit criteria then I highly doubt she would have gotten an F for the title having fault; although I can't really say because I don't know how her teacher works. I never said it was his job to proofread her essay prior to it being turned in. I said that he should have graded it -once it was in- and given her a fair grade based upon what -she chose- to hand in and what she believed would get her the grade she wanted / deserved. My teacher denied a couple of my assignments back when I went to school; but it wasn't because of a title, it was because my entire piece was off and just unacceptable. That's something he only could have known if he graded it like he's supposed to, pointing out error so I can learn.<br><br>We basically agree that she should have just changed the title then. xD<br><br>Oh, and when I went to school I dealt with my teachers and assignments myself as well. If I needed something (school work wise) I wasn't afraid to ask or discuss the situation without getting my parents involved. You should never be afraid to talk about your work with your teacher, that's apart of his job too! :D My mother came to my school ONE time because of a serious (principle involving) situation.. but never for an assignment! xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • My brother says the same thing. I just sent him this link.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... --oly.html</a>
  • My brother says the same thing. I just sent him this link.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... --oly.html</a>
    <br><br><br> Thank you! It is one of the hardest sport.
  • Alabama wrote:
    Well, to most people it isn't physical exercise and doesn't involve any competition. Horseback riding, in general, isn't sporting, even to me and I've been around horses almost all my life. <span style="color:#FF0000">It's sitting on a horse and telling it where to go</span>. Remember, most people rent already trained horses and ride them on trails for an hour or two at a time, or they "play" being horse people and aren't serious about it, if they ever have anything to do with horses at all. You wouldn't call playing tag a sport when compared to 100 meter relay, or "horsing around" in a neighbor's pool a sport when compared to competitive diving, would you?<br><br>It's not like people have to take tests during gym or physical education class, they aren't required to run a cloverleaf on horse back like they are timed in a 50 yard dash. People just don't know, so you have to appeal to them in a different way to make them see some horseback riding is a sport. No one can claim an Olympic sport isn't a sport, so start there and work back to when horse back riding first started happening.
    <br><br>It is not always just sitting there, if you have a green horse that bucks and rears you have to teach the horse.
  • Alabama wrote:
    Well, to most people it isn't physical exercise and doesn't involve any competition. Horseback riding, in general, isn't sporting, even to me and I've been around horses almost all my life. <span style="color:#FF0000">It's sitting on a horse and telling it where to go</span>. Remember, most people rent already trained horses and ride them on trails for an hour or two at a time, or they "play" being horse people and aren't serious about it, if they ever have anything to do with horses at all. You wouldn't call playing tag a sport when compared to 100 meter relay, or "horsing around" in a neighbor's pool a sport when compared to competitive diving, would you?<br><br>It's not like people have to take tests during gym or physical education class, they aren't required to run a cloverleaf on horse back like they are timed in a 50 yard dash. People just don't know, so you have to appeal to them in a different way to make them see some horseback riding is a sport. No one can claim an Olympic sport isn't a sport, so start there and work back to when horse back riding first started happening.
    <br><br>It is not always just sitting there, if you have a green horse that bucks and rears you have to teach the horse.
    <br><br>You highlighted and responded to that sentence out of context. "Well, to most people..." is the qualifier for that paragraph. 99% of people worldwide never sit a horse. The majority of the 1% that have gone horseback riding, rent or borrow someone else's already trained horse for the day, the afternoon or a couple hours and just tell it where to go. I would guess more than half of people who actually own horses buy them already trained and do little more than stroll around the pasture or on trails and the horse really does become a lawn ornament. These type of people will most likely never encounter a green horse that bucks and rears. If an overwhelming majority of people have never trained, competed or otherwise had any dealings with horses, it stands to reason they do not see horseback riding as a sport.<br><br>I've been in the horse world, bred American Quarter Horses, trained my own and others' horses and bought and sold dozens and dozens of horses for better than 30 years, though I never competed outside of 4H. My grandfather was a Quarter Horse jockey when quarter horse racing, as a governed and regionally recognized, sport first came into being in the 1920's and 30's in Texas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. He gave me his love of horses when I was a toddler. Just because I know how physically and mentally demanding horses can be, doesn't mean everyone engages in horses as a sport. If I'm going to share the view that it is a sport, I need to be clear from the beginning and expect them to not agree. <br><br>For the overwhelming majority of people, I would say they do not take part in horseback riding as a sport, so for me, simple horseback riding is not a sport. And I know how hard it can be. So if I were a teacher and you turned in an assignment titled "Horseback Riding" I would say the essay was not about a sport, it was about a hobby or a recreational diversion.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • But half of my essay was based on horse jumping and a green horse ( was based on my horse).
  • The title of your essay didn't reflect that and that's where the problem was.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Alabama wrote:
    The title of your essay didn't reflect that and that's where the problem was.
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