<span style="font-size:80">This auction has ended! However, im not able to get to a computer until tomorrow night -I im on my cellphone right now. I will update THIS post with the highest bidders - once it has been updated I ask that each person pm me so that everything can be handled. You must find a MM by tomorrow night! I wont accept any contracts without a MM. <br>Any bid after this post will not be considered. Any questions? Pm me! </span><br><span style="font-size:90"><br>***<span style="color:#FF0000">EDIT</span>***<br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#00BFBF">. I m p o r t s . </span></span><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-weight:bold">.O N E .</span> (8)<br>SB: 500k<br>HB: PaperWings - 5 Long Grooms (3.75mil — 750k*5)<br>BIN: 15 mil.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">.T W O .</span> (8)<br>SB: 500k<br>HB: PaperWings - 5 Long Grooms (3.75mil — 750k*5)<br>BIN: 15 mil.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">.T H R E E .</span> (8)<br>SB: 500k<br>HB: PaperWings - 5 Long Grooms (3.75mil — 750k*5)<br>BIN: 15 mil.<br><br></ul><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#40BFBF">. G o o d i e D y e s .</span></span><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-weight:bold">.O N E .</span><br>Cherokeezbaby - 20 long grooms = (15 million)<br><span style="font-weight:bold">.T W O .</span><br>CoasterCannons - 8.5mill<br><span style="font-weight:bold">.T H R E E .</span><br>tbone - 10 mil<br><span style="font-weight:bold">.F O U R .</span><br>tbone - 10 mil<br><br></ul><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#80BFBF">. 6 M o n t h S p o n s o r U p g r a d e .</span></span><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-weight:bold">.O N E .</span><br>Zyndalee - 50 mil —— <span style="color:#FF0000">Upgraded!</span><br><br></ul><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#008080">. 1 Y e a r S p o n s o r U p g r a d e .</span></span><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-weight:bold">. O N E .</span><br>Aziu - 51 mil —— <span style="color:#FF0000">Upgraded!</span><br><br></ul><br></span>
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.