<span style="font-size:80"><br>First things first. I am a trustworthy vpian, but you must find an OP to be the MM for any transaction during this auction. <br>—— Any OPS willing to be a MM are welcome
<br>Currently, I'll only be looking for VPC. Though, I may be interested in slave trainings in a few weeks… >:}<br>- There is no limit on how many you bid on, but you must bid on them separately. I will treat each item up for auction as a new bid.<br>- The auction will end when all items have found a final bid or have BIN'd; or if there is little to no interest.<br>- All VPC will be sent to Siebs2010 - this is where all transactions will take place.. (imports will be made, dogs will be dyed)<br>- Any training, considered, will be worth up to 750k - a piece.<br>- I may consider some graphics instead of VPC.<br>- I may consider custom layouts instead of VPC.<br>- I may consider some dogs instead of VPC.<br>- BIN's are high to keep things interesting!<br><span style="color:#BFBFBF">One dollar bid, now two, now two, will ya' give me two? Two dollar bid, now three, now three, will ya' give me three?...</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#00BFBF">. I m p o r t s . </span></span><br>- Imports are being sold in sets of <span style="font-weight:bold">8</span>. For a total of <span style="font-weight:bold">24</span> sold in this auction.<br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-weight:bold">.O N E .</span> (8)<br>SB: 500k<br>HB: PaperWings - 5 Long Grooms (3.75mil — 750k*5)<br>BIN: 15 mil.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">.T W O .</span> (8)<br>SB: 500k<br>HB: PaperWings - 5 Long Grooms (3.75mil — 750k*5)<br>BIN: 15 mil.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">.T H R E E .</span> (8)<br>SB: 500k<br>HB: PaperWings - 5 Long Grooms (3.75mil — 750k*5)<br>BIN: 15 mil.<br><br></ul><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#40BFBF">. G o o d i e D y e s .</span></span><br>- There will be <span style="font-weight:bold">1</span> dye sold in each 'set'. For a total of <span style="font-weight:bold"> 4</span> sold in this auction.<br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-weight:bold">.O N E .</span><br>SB: 1 mil<br>HB: CoasterCannons - 6 mil.<br>BIN: 20 mil.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">.T W O .</span><br>SB: 1 mil<br>HB: CoasterCannons - 6 mil<br>BIN: 20 mil.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">.T H R E E .</span><br>SB: 1 mil<br>HB: tbone - 10 mil.<br>BIN: 20 mil.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">.F O U R .</span><br>SB: 1 mil<br>HB: tbone - 10 mil<br>BIN: 20 mil.<br><br></ul><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#80BFBF">. 6 M o n t h S p o n s o r U p g r a d e .</span></span><br>- There will be <span style="font-weight:bold">1</span> 6 mo. sp. upgrade sold in this auction.<br>- The upgrade will be N O N - R E N E W I N G<br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-weight:bold">.O N E .</span><br>SB: 5 mil.<br>HB: Aziu - 40 mil<br>BIN: 50 mil.<br><br></ul><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#008080">. 1 Y e a r S p o n s o r U p g r a d e .</span></span><br>- There will be <span style="font-weight:bold">1</span> One year sp. upgrade sold in this auction.<br>- The upgrade will be N O N - R E N E W I N G<br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered"><span style="font-weight:bold">. O N E .</span><br>SB: 15 mil.<br>HB: Aziu - 51 mil<br>BIN: 100 mil.<br><br></ul><br><span style="color:#BF8080">As always, I reserve the right to cancel this auction at any time. I have the right to refuse a bid that does not meet the requirements as specified above. I reserve the right to end this auction at any time, unless I have provided an end date. Any training/layouts/dogs must be done in a timely manner, though I will understand any emergencies. I do have a life outside of VP, as well as most of VP does</span><span style="color:#FF8080"> - so I may be behind by a day or so in keeping this thing managed. <span style="font-weight:bold">ALWAYS</span> check the posts before yours to see what the current bid is even if I have already checked for the day. Someone may sneak a bid in, and I will always look to the highest bid!</span><br>Any questions? Feel free to ask
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
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Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
I'm A Proud Directioner, Are You?
Go One Direction!
Go Directioners!
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
^ Click for comics
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
656 Gifties
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
656 Gifties
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
Training Alexandreian Island Wolve's: 10x4's Caucasian Shepherd Dog's: Importing Stage. Bohemian Shepherds: Importing.