So I apologize, this is a dumb question but I have 100s of dogs in my kennel from lines and I'm not sure what to do with them. Do you guys usually release all the dogs once you get to 10x4s or just hang on to the generations?
I think a lot of people release, but I`m bad for not letting dogs go :P Once I`ve bred dogs I move them into a holding kennel where I show them till close to death, then they go to another holding kennel where they just sit :P<br><br>I think it really depends if you have the room to hold onto the dogs, or even just WANT to hold onto the dogs.
<span style="font-size:85">I'm the same as Oriyana. When I'm done with a dog, or even a certain "set" of dogs(import set, gen 2 set, etc.), I move them into my show account. I've never actually completed showing any of them since my first two lines have dogs with longer life spans(15 years, roughly), but I plan to event them until they die.</span>
Once I hit 10s with a breed I usually go back to my breeding kennel and get rid of all the non-10s of that breed. I didn't used to do this, but now that I have something like 9k dogs in my breeding, I felt I needed to weed out finished lines. ^^:
I only every keep the dogs I've actually bred in the lines. But I only keep 1 or 2 pairs from the litter just incase I want to do the line again or if someone is after a particular stat. I used to release the females after breeding just because they'd be too old to breed.
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