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Kylie's Pack(Picture Heavy) *finished*

<span style="font-style:italic">Lucky</span><br><br>Lucky is our first new addition to our family since the death of my two Border Collies, Maggie and Molly. He is a gorgeous Black and Tan Male with a white speckled chest. We are unsure of his breed, but we see some Beagle, Hound, and Dauchshund in him:) We welcomed Lucky about a month ago, and since then he has been an angle! He has learned basic commands and I am working with him in Agility and more complex commands. Since he has no papers, we will not be using him as an official competition dog, but more as a family dog who appears at a few 'Mutt Shows' now and again!<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Photos: </span><br>(Some Images are a little Blurry! Sorry!)<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Zeppelin</span><br><br>Zeppelin is my 5 year old German Shorthaired Pointer. I have had him since he was a puppy and he is a very sweet, loyal hunting dog. We compete in competitions regularly and Zeppelin does well. Lately, my uncle has been working with Zeppelin in hunting competitions because I have found my schedual tight and I have not been able to work with him like I used to. I still take him on weekend hunts, my uncle just works with him professionaly.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Photos:</span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Lynn</span><br><br>Lynn is my 2 year old Weimaraner female. I have had her since she was a pup. She is glued to Zeppelin's side and they love each other like Brother and Sister. I also take Lynn to hunting competitons and weekend hunts. My uncle also works with her, but not as much as he does Zeppelin. Lynn is the dog I personaly show. No one else but my uncle shows her, and he only compete's with her a few times a month.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Photos:</span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Jasper</span><br><br>Jasper is a 7 year old Rottie/Lab Mix with a few more breeds we are unsure of. He is not showing and has never shown in any events, but he is the sweetest little partner ever! We take him along on road trips to shows and other places and he is so gentle with the strangers and other children! He is truly the calmest, sweetest dog I know!<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Photos:</span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Deuce</span><br><br>Deuce is my 10 year old Male Yorkshire Terrier. He is grumpy to strangers, but an angle to his family(me!). He was in a few obedience shows when he was younger, but was never a full on show dog:)<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Photos:</span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Lacey</span><br><br>Lacey is my 4 year old Blue Heeler/Border Collie. She is an excellent herding dog and helps out(along with Jasper) when we work with the cattle. She is sweet and loves to cuddle with pretty much anybody, but she will also eat your shoe-laces(hint the name 'Lacey'). Haha:)<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Photos:</span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />


  • Pictures have been added and I am adding the last three members of my pack!
  • Thanks! I love them! They are some of the best dogs I have ever had!
  • All are gorgeous, though it must get hectic with all those canines around lol. Lacey looks more like a shepherd cross than an ACD to me though. She looks so much like a dog named Heidi that a neighbour at our cottage had. Even her eyes, brings back sniffly memories lol, when I was like 12 Heidi was pretty much my shadow.
  • Oriyana wrote:
    All are gorgeous, though it must get hectic with all those canines around lol. Lacey looks more like a shepherd cross than an ACD to me though. She looks so much like a dog named Heidi that a neighbour at our cottage had. Even her eyes, brings back sniffly memories lol, when I was like 12 Heidi was pretty much my shadow.
    <br><br>She is crossed with Border Collie and Blue Heeler. The breeder we got her from had the parents and they were beautiful! She looks a lot like her mother(the Border Collie), depsite the coat and a few more things. It can get hectic, but they are pretty well behaved and we have 400 acres for them to run around on and go crazy:) All my dogs are pretty much my shadow, even grumpy Deuce;) I used to have two more pure-bred Border Collies who we recently had to put down:/ It was really sad, because I had raised them from pups. We had to bottle feed one of them because her mother died during birth and we took her in.
  • Yea it's the one drawback of dogs, they don't have nearly a long enough life span. I keep telling Dakota she has to live forever :P
  • Haha, I wish they did live forever:) Qhat kiind of dog is Dakota?
  • Lab cross is all we know :P
  • Neat! Our neighbors once had a Lab cross and he was so funny! I think he was half mental. He would always run into things and his tounge was always hanging out of the side of his mouth!
  • What a great looking pack of dogs :D
  • What a great looking pack of dogs :D
    <br><br><br>Thanks! If all goes well, we will have a new pack member late summer-early fall!
  • Oriyana wrote:
    All are gorgeous, though it must get hectic with all those canines around lol. Lacey looks more like a shepherd cross than an ACD to me though. She looks so much like a dog named Heidi that a neighbour at our cottage had. Even her eyes, brings back sniffly memories lol, when I was like 12 Heidi was pretty much my shadow.
    <br><br>Her tail, ACDs have nice tails like that and by the looks of it I can see ACD in the legs too xD... Though her head is showing more the BC.<br><br>Shes a very pretty dog.
    656 Gifties
  • tbone wrote:
    Oriyana wrote:
    All are gorgeous, though it must get hectic with all those canines around lol. Lacey looks more like a shepherd cross than an ACD to me though. She looks so much like a dog named Heidi that a neighbour at our cottage had. Even her eyes, brings back sniffly memories lol, when I was like 12 Heidi was pretty much my shadow.
    <br><br>Her tail, ACDs have nice tails like that and by the looks of it I can see ACD in the legs too xD... Though her head is showing more the BC.<br><br>Shes a very pretty dog.
  • Love Love Love you dogs!! They are absolutely gorgeous! I saw my name and had to look only to realize it wasn't me. Lol (my name is Kiley also) <br>But your dogs are adorable!!
    SmiLe :)

  • Haha, neat! Thank you soo much! We plan on breeding the Weimeraner soon, so I will post pics if anything happens:)
  • Great. They are such pretty dogs, even though I have such trouble saying their name.
    SmiLe :)

  • Weimeraner :mrgreen:
    SmiLe :)

  • Beautiful dogs! Zeppelin and Lynn are my favorites.
  • kiwicece wrote:
    Weimeraner :mrgreen:
    <br><br>Yeah, it is a little difficult, but you get used to it:)<br><br><br><br>
    Beautiful dogs! Zeppelin and Lynn are my favorites.
    <br><br>Thanks! I love thoes two:) Zeppelin was actually a gift from my mother, but I bought Lynn myself:) I wish my mom hadn't made me fix Zeppelin because I would have loved to use a brood for some puppies with him, he is so gentle and kind and very very smart. He actually used to be able to open his cage before we bought a bigger one when we got Lynn. I watched him do it before. He used his nose to push the lock up and over. Lynn we plan on breeding soon, we are looking around at stud dogs:)
  • Yeah, I guess you do! :mrgreen:
    SmiLe :)

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