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Pilgrim, The new girl

If you seen my other post about Ravens Boyfriend, then you seen we had a new horse. If not...well we have a new horse haha. Her name is Pilgrim she is a registered Rocky Mountain Mare and is due to foal next may. She was a cheap horse. But her only problem is, she DOESNT move. Not with spurs not with the whip. Not with anything. When she stops she stops shes not going anywhere. Shes a really pretty mare and me and my mom are trying to work her out of it, She was trained when she was 3 to get certified then just used for a brood mare. But you would think she wouldnt forget. But anyways, Shes a super sweet horse, she will follow you pretty much anywhere and she comes down when you call her name. But enough talking. Heres Pilgrim (: <br><br>First day we got her <br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /> <br><br>A few days ago<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
My real life horse! (:


  • She's very pretty and I LOVE her name!
  • Thanks and i do too :D
    My real life horse! (:
  • 8/12/12<br>Yesterday pilgrim was rode by me with my moms help. We decided to try and see if she would listen if my mom led her and i gave her the cues. Had to do it about 2 times and she picked it up right away. Was SO proud of her. We were working in the round pen and decided (when i was comfortable on her) that i would ride her in the pasture(s) took her out and she did AMAZING now the people say she WOULDNT walk forward. This mare. She has alot of go and i just find it hard to believe that she didnt want to move. She was gaiting and walking and stoping and picking it back up. She was doing GREAT. So we took her and raven for a trail ride today. She crossed the water, mud, loaded in the tralier, stood for being tacked up, and mounting. We had a bird fly up pretty close and she didnt spook. Went through a campground with kids on bikes and a big dumpster (scary for horses lol) went right by it no spooking. I was amazed that the old owners had that problem with her. My horse is usually the lead and pilgrim had the lead almost the whole time. Raven had to gait just to keep up with her. Overall this mare really impressed me and my mom today.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Forgot to update this, For anyone who still follows it, we no longer own pilgrim, her name has been changed to Peggy i think, but we sold her about a month ago. She has a good new home (:
    My real life horse! (:
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