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Well, my cousin has a Mastiff (I'm not sure what breed of Mastiff - those are the only dogs I can't tell apart, so it's as good of your guess as mine) that she normally shows and then she's occasionally breeds. At one point, before she had her own children, she had three Mastiffs at one time (and a HUGE house) and she bred her dog Sadie. This is the first litter from Moishe and the father is named Mugsy and is a friend's dog. The pair had 8 puppies on June 15th! So I figured I'd show some pics(;<br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br>My favorite is the little dark colored one in the top left corner with the blue ribbon. (:<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br>This is Moishe when she was still pregnant(:<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><br>I'll upload more as I get pictures.<br><br><br>I should be going up to see them sometime this week (hopefully Wednesday) after all my finals are done on Tuesday! I'll hopefully get a bunch of pics. Sadly, my mom would never let me bring one home(;


  • so cute! :mrgreen:

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  • Awwww puppies *snuggles them and the mommy*
  • I like the one that could be a minimal brindle, smooshed between Blue Ribbon, Orange Ribbon, and Yellow Ribbon. xD I love puppies. :|
  • They're so cute! Most people aren't fond of a huge mastiff living in their home ;)<br><br><br>Just out of curiosity, how old is the momma?
  • I like blue and orange. Mastiffs are awesome dogs, huge but normally they have very good dispositions. Sadly, they don't normally live very long. I've wanted one for a while, but space is a big thing with big dogs, not so much room to run as room to move around the giant snoring area rug lol. I prefer fluffies, personally, but most breeders want noting to do with that gene, as it's a show fault. XD
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