I'm currently training the third generation of my line, the fourth generation will produce 10x4's. I plan on creating 8 gifites for my line and selling 4 of the 10x4 giftie pups but I planned on keeping them as well.. So the four I sold would be 2 OAK and the other four I kept would be 1 OAK.. Should I the four I'm selling be dyed in the 3rd generation so I can keep one 8x4 giftie and sell the four 10x4's? Because I don't think I can breed the fourth generation to each other without inbreeding.. And I don't want that, I want a pure, non-inbred line. I'm just being confusing, I don't know how to explain this dilemma well :oops: If anyone understands what I am asking could you please help me? Haha Thank you!