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My One and Only

<span style="font-size:200"><span style="color:#000000">KUJO</span></span><br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#BF0000"><br>Nicknames: Kujojo / Joe-Joe / BOSS / King JoJo / BROLICK<br>Age: Five<br>Weight: 110 pounds<br>Breed: "Pit-Bully"<br>(Adding more pictures)<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /> <br><br>-This is my boy. Yes, he's named after the psycho dog in that one movie. XD He got his name because of his personality. Which isn't very friendly. But he's still my baby boy.<br><br>Kujo came to me five years ago from a local breeder that "accidentally" bred two Pitbulls with REALLY bad temperaments. Supposedly his father was put to sleep for biting people and his mother was a dog killer. Kujo was the only puppy born in that litter, luckily. The breeder decided not to sell him; but once he was old enough to run around he started showing signs of really bad aggression, and the guy could no longer keep him.<br><br>I was walking home from school one day and a man was standing on the side of the road holding up a puppy... my Kujo. The guy told me the truth about the puppy and said that I could have him if I wanted. Despite Kujo's issues I took him anyway. I guess after hearing about his parents I knew he would probably be killed if I didn't save him, and back then I didn't really know much about dogs. When I got home my mom was like "What the hell is that?". XD But she never made me get rid of him. While looking for a name I stumbled across the movie "CUJO", and I thought the name was perfect in theory but looked better with a K. :p <br><br>Now a days Kujo is a king among slaves. Everyone that visits knows that he is boss. He understands over one hundred signals, is an avid Raccoon exterminator, and an aggressive hunter. His prey drive is outrageous. His intelligence is amazing. He enjoys wild sprints through the woods and is astonishing on his spring pole. He is an excellent swimmer and believes it is his job to save me even if im only hopping into two feet of water. XD He guards our home ferociously. And protects me even more so. He is my soul mate. I know that for a fact. If Kujo had never been born I never would have experienced the beauty of owning a dog at all. The day that I found Kujo is absolutely one of the best days of my short life. Before him I didn't even like dogs. And now, because of him, i'm on a dog lover's website posting about an animal that I never even planned to own. <br><br>My dog has taught me to be self-less, loyal, forgiving, compassionate, responsible and aggressive when it comes to succeeding in getting what I need. It saddens me that nobody else knows how loving and amazing Kujo can really be. Although none of the "MAKE YOUR DOG FRIENDLY" classes or training sessions have helped fix his aggression issues, I still believe that one day i'll be able to take my boy for a real /public/ walk. I work on it every single day.<br><br>Until then, i'd like anyone that cares at all to know that despite Kujojo's tough front, when we're alone he can't get enough cuddles. One of his favorite things to do when were by ourselves is play ball. We watch movies together and run around like wild animals when we're bored. Neither of us can sleep without the other, and every second we're apart we're both uncomfortably on edge. He takes care of me, and all he asks in return is my acceptance. He's my teddy bear <<3. Kujo even refuses to play rough because he thinks he's hurting me. Really, he's just a big baby that couldn't control what he got from his parents.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>I love you Joe Joe. :3</span></span>


  • He's got gorgeous coloring :) Glad he ended up in a home that understands his personality, and keeps him in safe situations.
  • Thank you. I definitely try. It still kinda sucks that I can't currently take him out to parks or large canine events though. The day that I can will be one of the biggest milestones in my life. XD He's def. got a hard head when it comes to aggro. training.
  • From a fellow pitty owner I'm glad to hear he landed in the hands of someone willing to understand his personality and actually work with him. I shudder to think of his fate had he landed in the hands of someone else. Sad to hear about the temperament of his parents, but I'm glad you are able to provide him with a safe, loving home environment. <br><br>He is a very hansom lad indeed! Love his coloring and markings.
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Oh. My. Word. I completely understand by what you mean of your dog being your soul mate. You're his guardian angel and he is yours <3 In a way, you both rescued each other.. Or that's what I say about my pup. He is absolutely GORGEOUS! So stunning. I applaud you for not giving up and taking in this pup that had no future and turning him into one of the happiest dogs. You're story is amazing. (: I look forward to seeing more pictures and hearing more stories about your pup ^^</span></span>
  • @Paranormal: Thank you. I like to think he gets his good looks from my side of the family. >.< Nice to meet another bully owner. c:<br><br>@Paige: Kujo has definitely rescued me. As far as im concerned i owe him everything. Glad to know someone else understands. I will definitely be posting more pics. We're going to a private beach tomorrow, and i'll be able to catch a few of him in the water, catching fish. XD
  • There's a few other pitty owners here as well. Ever since my first pit bull I can't imagine life without one. <br>There's a thread about my pitty Koopa on here along with my 2 other doggies too ;3
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">That sounds exciting :D I look forward to the pics! lol</span></span>
  • He's gorgeous! I love pit bulls. It sounds like you've really done a great job with him. You seriously need to write a story about this and publish it. xD He's a lucky puppy. :)
  • He's a good looking American Bully. :mrgreen: I like his white head. <br><br>I'm glad that you're being a responsible dog owner and not letting him run amok and biting people. Good luck with him, I hope that you can get him safe with people.
  • We werent able to take pics this evening because when we got to the beach, the ONE other family that's allowed to be there had FOUR dogs. They were running around off leash. D;<br><br>@Pumpkin - Thank you. He's not full Pit, but I love them to if the breed is anything like Kujo. I will def. write a story. ;D I need to hunt down the man I got Kujo from in order to do that though. I've recently been wondering what JoeJoe's FULL story was before he came to me. It's nagging me that I could possibly be missing something important, ya know.<br><br>@Zag - You mean his /partially/ white head. ;D I don't call him an American Bully because 'technically' he isnt, considering what his parents were. I have yet to figure him out entirely, though. I just stick with PitBully. It's perfect, considering the fact that he's half pit and the other half is a bully mix. From what I can see, most "pitbulls" are just bull mixes anyway these days. My boy's just a massive mutt. Thank you btw. I hope so too.
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