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This normal?:|

edited June 2012 in General Discussion
So my dog is eating toilet paper unused tho:) like I'll find her in the bathroom on the floor eating it. I'll close the door she will go to the other bathroom I'll close that door then she scratch he's on the door one time she dragged the toilet paper all over the house! So does ur dog do this? Or know a dog?

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  • I don't know a dog who does that however at my fiance's house his dog goes into the bathroom and eats the trash out of the trash can in their, so like wrappers from anything thats used, bits of toilet roll (usually from blowing nose) and stuff like that, it trashes the whole of the corridor upstairs
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  • Eww well dogs are funny:)

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  • Also the dog eats earwax... no joke... my fiance feeds it to the dog... which is just gross...
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  • Oh god why?!

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  • Because its bitter, and dogs like to eat bitter things... and honestly the dog doesnt even care it just loves it... which is weird. But my fiance's dad has a dog and that eats earwax too, and his dad is a chicken farmer
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • None of my dogs do this but i do know of a dog that use to do this lol. I say the pup is just board and looking for something to get into lol. Dose she have any toys? What i would do if I caught her eating toilet paper is just tell her no and remove her from the bathroom and give her a toy or bone to chew on instead. It would take some time but she should learn that toilet paper is off limits but toys are fine :3
  • She has a over flowing basket of toys but I don't know lol

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  • My dog has a thing for tissues, always has. We actually had to go and buy a different trash can because she would knock the trashcan over and shred the used tissues. Her brother does it, too, so we're not worried.
  • She sounds very very board. Its almost like people who compulsively eat to pass time. She might be board with her toys, take the box and sort it out so she only has a few at a time. Once in awhile give her a new one from the storage box, they think they are getting a new toy each time they get their old toy and get excited over it all over again. You might want to do some mental exercise too. Break out the old positive dog training trick book and teach her some party tricks. I'd also keep the bathroom doors closed at all times so she can't get into the bathrooms and eat more toilet paper, it could give her an upset stomach or even cause a blockage if she ate a lot. If she whines at the door get her and engage her in something else like fetch or a walk.
  • ya ok thx guys i got her a new toy and some new treats she's being good and i'm doing agility with her for the past weeks and shes been better ill keep u updated with what happens:) <br><br>P.S. she did this when she was a puppy then stopped now back again wow:)

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  • She might need more than new toys, try getting something that mentally stimulates her instead of just getting her something to chew on. Kong toys are good, as are dog-puzzle toys. <a href=" otto plastic twister.JPG&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">This</a> it what I got my border collie mix. She has to lift the bones and remove them in order to slide the panels to get the treat in the separate compartments. While working with this, we also taught her the "Bring it here." command so she would bring the bones too us instead of eating them. The toy is called the Twister, we paid $25 for it, and it's very durable (our dog has yet to put a tooth mark in it, and she's a heavy duty chewer) and also dishwasher safe.
  • WOw thx

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  • My Yorkie enjoys eating things from the bathroom waste basket. Her favorites are sanitary pads and tampons, which I find to be a horrid and disgusting habit. We have to close the bathroom door and sometimes even put her in her cage because she will try to squeeze through our legs when we have to use the toilet.
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  • eww :mrgreen:

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