Well..I'm graduating in 10.5 hours!<br>I'm very excited.(: Not only am I graduating and my man will be there, I'll finally be able to introduce him to the family. o.o He'll be meeting my Nana, one of my aunts, one of my uncles (also my godfather), my mum's best friend (her only friend..lol), my little brother, and one of my older cousins. I'm hoping all goes well and they don't harrass him too much while they're all sitting and waiting for graduation to start..haha.<br><br>I am leaving my house to go find a shirt to wear (the one I was going to wear doesn't fi..it's too big since I lost weight, lmao). Hopefully it's nothing too expensive..because that'll be a disaster and I won't want to spend the money, but ehh..stuff happens, I guess, eh?<br>I'm wearing black dress capris, whatever shirt I find, and medium heel sandals (not really sandals..but I guess that's what they're called, lol). I think I'm gonna look rather spiffy.(: I'm having my best friend do my makeup around 3, and then around 4 we're suppose to go down to the river to take some pictures, since it@/ very rare that I get dressed up, let alone wear makeup and have anything on my nails (only a "natural" colour, but it still counts, haha).<br>I'm not looking forward to having to wear the disgusting mustard yellow gown, but I guess I'll just have to deal, lol.<br><br>So..hopefully all will go well and I won't fall, trip, or break my ankle during the about 5 minutes that I'll actually be up and standing..lol. I'm also hoping that they'll say my name right..since often-times, they say it wrong.. I did correct the VP on how to say it, and he said it alright at the practice yesterday..but you never know with these people. .-.<br><br>Well..wish me luck.(: I'll definitely post some pictures (sadly edited with our faces blurred) an let you all know how it went. ^.^
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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