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2 Cheers For...

Tiffanee Terrorific & TigerCub101<br><br>Just wanted to let you guys know you're great. Started talking to both of you because of graphics and well the rest is history. I have quite a bit in common with both you guys and always enjoy getting msg from you both! So here's 2 cheers to you guys and 1 for VP!<br><br>-Para


  • *Cherokee cries and runs away*
    If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
  • O.o <br><br>...<br><br>:'{
  • Am I not your friend too??
    If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
  • Of course you are, your one of the first people that talked to me back when I first joined the forum :mrgreen: <br>Since I've been neglectful in my first post I'll give you 4 cheers for being one of the first people to talk to me and for also making me some awesome graphics! <br><br>*Shameful Para* :oops:
  • *Cries tears of joy and hugs Para* Thank you for thinking that they are so good. I work my butt off on them and NEVER think they are as good as everyone thinks. You are one of my top customers that I have.
    If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
  • Aww I love your graphics, I think they are awesome! I was afraid I was bugging you by asking for so many lol :mrgreen:
  • Not at all. I always love doing your orders. They are always so creative and we have the same taste, so even when you give me freedom to do whatever, you still love it.
    If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
  • Yeah I don't like being too specific when I order, that way its always kind of a surprise when I see them :3
  • Thank You Para :D I've only just noticed this... cause I was going to post about you :) and some other friends :D<br><br>*Squishes Para*
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • D'aww Thanks Para :D<br>I enjoy seeing my one little mesg everyday knowing its from you xP
    02/22/14 <3
  • Yeah I don't like being too specific when I order, that way its always kind of a surprise when I see them :3
    <br>I understand exactly what you are saying. I also enjoy giving/receiving free realm on graphics because it allows the artist to put in more creativity.
    If you like my avatar or graphics that you have seen by me, check out this link
  • Yeah I don't like being too specific when I order, that way its always kind of a surprise when I see them :3
    <br>I understand exactly what you are saying. I also enjoy giving/receiving free realm on graphics because it allows the artist to put in more creativity.
    <br><br>I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I think the more specific an order is the harder it is :/
  • I totally agree, its so easy to make something with less specs since you can just play around and see how it goes
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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