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Dude, seriously be happy...

edited May 2012 in Vent
Alright, well my moms bf's daugter is making goat soap, my mom asks for 1 bar of soap, no money, and shes being a little brat saying no that she doesnt have too, that its her money, well lets see... MY MOM pays for the goats, My mom Feeds the goats, my mom takes care of thier shots and deworming and hoof triming, and even milks them for her ocasionally, and you cant give her one flippin bar of soap?! Selfish much, Dude just be happy shes even keeping them goats for you, She should just sell them. Especially if your gonnna be this way... Sorry guys just had to vent about it.
My real life horse! (:


  • I really dislike selfish children like that. Sometimes if you could only sit them down and explain to them all they do for you, then again that hardly works considering how children are raised now-days lol.
  • Lol my mom tried, and she still was a brat about it so my mom's not doing anything for her anymore.
    My real life horse! (:
  • Has she sat down and talked to her father about it? Explain to him exactly what she does for the goats and explain how her daughter is acting?<br><br>Children don't have very good discipline now days, my three nephews have none at all.
  • Her dad agrees with my mom, and tell her she should but wont force her to do it.
    My real life horse! (:
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