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Lil' Midge

Okay so I know most of you have heard of all my animals but I have failed to tell you guys about Midget aka Lil' Midge or Senior Midge (with a spanish acent) xD<br>He is a little terrier/poodle mix that my family got when I was...errr 8 years old.. so he is 12 now.<br>We had an Aussie but she would always get loose and chase the neighbors cats so when my mom told me we had to give her away for a farm I was crying like a baby lol and so the lady neighbor said her dog had just had puppies so we looked and Midget was the cutest little fur ball :D<br>So we took him home and he like fell in love with my older sister.<br>He lived with us for a long time but once my sister graduated from college and she lived somewhere he could stay she took him lol<br>Now that I live with my sister because of where my college is I get to live with Lil' Midge again xD<br>We used to have a -love/hate- relationship as I would dress him up, put diapers on him, and take him around in a stroller (when I was younger)..<br>But now we get along lol and I figured I would just show you guys some pics and a video of what I came home to day :D<br>This little bundle of joy does not act like he is 12 years old lol he acts like a flippin puppy xD<br><br>Photos/Videos:<br><a href="¤t=Video05242012100653.mp4"; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Video</a>- I had just left for like 20 mins to go run to my college real quick and when I came home he acted like I was gone for 2 weeks lol just made me laugh :D
02/22/14 <3


  • So..I just realized that my photobucket album was private this whole time..<br>Err so none of you were probably able to watch the video..>.><br>It's public now if you wanna see the video xD<br>Sorreh!
    02/22/14 <3
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