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For Everyone Who Plays VP...

edited May 2012 in General Discussion
what is everyones goal and what has everyone accomplished??<br><br>My goal is to one day have an international male 10x4 of every breed. So far ive got three or four breeds and am constantly looking for more 10x4 males though i can only show a few at a time.<br><br>Im very proud of all my studs. And all my show dogs. Mostly though my Australian Shepherd line... ive got 4 full generations of 10x4 internationals and as far as i know its the only line thats got internationals all the way back that far. Im also quite proud of my 10x4 maltese. I did the line myself and he's very near to being international! He will be the only international maltese! Cant wait to have him up for stud!


  • Currently my goal is to get the first 10x4s of all the German Spitz breeds and currently within this goal have gotten the first 7x4 of the German Spitz Standard<br><br>Other Goals are to make more 10x4 Panthera Tigris... not gotten far on that<br><br>And overall just to make lots & lots of 10x4s
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • when you get some that are male you should pm me then XD
  • Interesting thread!<br><br>My goal is kinda simple: To work with and produce quality event dogs. I do like 10x4's and work with some and hope to breed some but I don't necessarily just work with them. I do have some lower stated dogs that are pretty good eventers. <br><br>Currently I have a few dog lines I plan to work on for my future eventers (I kinda like to keep my plans hush hush lol I'm a bit secretive, not that they can't be figured out as I work with them).
  • xD i do enjoy my show dogs! Theyre my pride and joys! Even if they arent 10x4 if i got em to international im pretty attatched to them. Im also hush hush about my lines xD Ive got some now thats on the D.L
  • I've not yet gotten an international show dog but that is one of my goals. I have had quite a few nationals though. Gotta keep working toward them. A lot of the lines I plan to work on aren't real common in the show rings, at least not that I've seen. Some are kinda of common but are breeds I either own in real life or am just rather fond of.
  • Internationals are the real treats for me. Used too i was thrilled over regionals and nationals but since ive gotten... 20 internationals now i think?? thats my goal. I dont really worry about how common my lines are luckily. My really common ones seem to be bred with more but my rarer dogs get a lot of action too since theyre the highest quality studs around. I keep more of my females too though.
  • I'm still learning the ropes with lines and what not. The current line I'm working with is only the 2nd real line I've done. My first (which were 2 lines mixed into 1 at the end) turned out ok but I think they could have been better. But the more you play, the more you lean. Plus reading the forums always helps lol
  • xD my lines are generally four ports cross bred over and over again. Not something id do in real life however i see no problem with it on VP. It gets there faster and quicker and easier in my opinion
  • To get 10x4 decoys 8D
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  • ;D good luck paper!! Thats a difficult one!!
  • xD my lines are generally four ports cross bred over and over again. Not something id do in real life however i see no problem with it on VP. It gets there faster and quicker and easier in my opinion
    <br><br>I'm the same way, My first line started with 3 ports then I started a second 3 port line of the same breed and at the end crossed the 2 lines together. Like you something I wouldn't do in real life but hey this is a game so I have no issues with it ;3
  • Exactally! There used to be this big thing with "pure lines" but as long as i dont have genetic problems coming out of the cross than what good does it truely do?! None! Just makes it take longer and makes it harder. I take the easy root xD
  • Yeah i remember reading threads when i was looking into how to do lines that talked about only breeding pure lines. I'm like eh i want the cheaper, faster, easier root haha Like you said if it caused genetic defects in the offspring it would be different.
  • exactally! It takes me too long to do lines anyways!
  • PaperWings wrote:
    To get 10x4 decoys 8D
    <br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">How far are you on that one? (:<br><br><br>My original goal was to get to the top 5 kennel list.<br>Now it's to own over 50 national and 20 international dogs, all within the same family tree if possible.<br>Like I want the grandparents and parents and offspring to all be international/national. Big dream but I'm almost there haha XD</span></span>
  • xD way to go Bobs!!
  • My current goal is to get 148 intel GSD's. XD <br><br>Showing is really big for me, too. I'd like to get a decent team for every event type someday, that'd be neat.
  • Im currently working on getting high Endy on some dogs. Im almost to 140!
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Thank you XD</span></span>
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Thank you XD</span></span>
    <br>I love how in the second event you ran my newly trained dog won against all my international hearders and in the next one he got 31.... out of thirty.. LITERALLY xD
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Thank you XD</span></span>
    <br>I love how in the second event you ran my newly trained dog won against all my international hearders and in the next one he got 31.... out of thirty.. LITERALLY xD
    <br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">I hate it when that happens. My Border did the same thing. I entered her in her first event and she placed first. Then I ran the second event and she placed 12th. Third event she placed 8th..... -_- Bipolar little pup lol</span></span>
  • Yeah, happens to me, too.. It's frustrating! One time I'll get 1st, and then the next time they're not even on the board.
  • x.X i agree... VP dogs are bipolar!
  • My biggest goal right now is to finally finish my Phantom Wolf line and produce the first 10x4s. Been working on it for quite some time, up to 64 imports!<br><br><br>I also work on eventing my dogs and moving higher on the top kennels list. (:
  • You just mentioned the breed I'm currently working on lol. Ever since I first started playing I wanted to work with phantom wolves and they were the first breed I imported when I got my sponsor accounts. You by far have a huge head start as my imports had sat in boarding up until last week.
  • My goal is get Neapolitan Mastiffs to 10x4 :3 My dream.<br>What I have accomplished..hmm don't know lol not much honestly.. I guess I have some good showing dogs.. >.><br><span style="font-size:50">Thats only kind of disappointing to think about xD</span>
    02/22/14 <3
  • <span style="font-size:85">Basically my first goal is to get myself organized... From being away so long my kennels were a disaster. xD<br><br>Second would be to improve my Labskies... <br><br>Though I have started a line of American Bulldogs, looking to make some good eventers through them.<br><br>And though I'm usually not one to try for 10x4s, I've partnered up with someone to get 10x4 Doxands. <br><br>A short term goal would be to train the 40+ imports I currently have sitting in my kennel. >.></span>
  • Kitt your short term goal made me cringe! Id never try it in a thousand years and i'd take me THAT long just to get it done!!
  • I can train 40 dogs in a weekend xD <br><br>And decoys are at 2x4 >.> Which I guess is an achievement in itself XD
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  • xD the highest ive ever seen!!
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