Alright,I've noticed I've neglected VP for long enough and I want to get back into the swing of I'm going to be auctioning off some training packets.Each "packet" has a set amount of a certain training,and you will be bidding on the packet,not as seperate trainings.(ex. 5 skill/stat maxes w/ out aggro, You are bidding on all five and must use all five within a certain time).There are some rules and extra details about each packet that you'll see farther down in this post.I want this to be a quick and smooth running auction as I want to be in a training mood to get all these done when the auction ends.
<br><br><span style="color:#FF0000">Rules and Extras-</span><br>1. Read everything in <span style="color:#FF0000">red</span> before bidding.
<br>2. You must be able to use every single training at the time of the auction ending.<br>3. Once the auction has ended I would like a money contract sent with your payment.Then contract for the dogs after I accept that money contract...just so you won't be able to back out of your promise once I have trained x amount of your dogs.
<br>4. You must put what you want done in the dogs <span style="color:#FF0000">notes</span>!Or I won't know what to do to the dog,even if I do know what you bid on.<br>5. Be nice to both me and other bidders.<br>6. Do <span style="color:#FF0000">not</span> rush me!Or I won't finish your dogs and you won't get a refund.<br>7. I have the right to make BINs as unreasonable as I want...xD<br>8. There will be no individual grooming packets that aren't with something else.<br><span style="font-size:85">(not in any particular order)</span><br><br><span style="color:#FF0000">The Packets-</span><br>Now you get to see what could potentially be yours
.<br><span style="font-style:italic">All packets have reasonable hidden reserves.</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#FF0000">5 Skill/Stat Maxes w/ or w/ out Aggro-</span></span>(can be used on any dog,no matter the *s)<br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#FF0000">BIN'd</span></span>-sweetypie<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#FF0000">12 yr RH/FP-</span></span>(maximum of 6 years per dog...can be used on more than two dogs.Max and match xD)<br>SB-<span style="color:#FF0000">250k</span><br>HB-<span style="font-style:italic">n/a</span><br>MBI-<span style="color:#FF0000">250k</span><br>BIN-<span style="color:#FF0000">2mill</span><br>Reserve-<span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#FF0000">not met</span></span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:#FF0000">Skill/Stat max w/ or w/ out Aggro,5 yrs of grooming-</span></span>(must be used on a single dog)<br><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="color:#FF0000">BIN'd-</span></span>sweetypie<br><br><span style="color:#FF0000"><span style="font-weight:bold">More Extras-</span></span><br>I will accept the following as bids- <span style="font-style:italic">VPC,goodie dyes,unmade imports,already made goodies(depends on if I like the color),personal breed pups,my own personal breed(yeah like the last two are gonna happen)</span><br>Dogs must not be in boarding when sent to me.<br>The younger the better on stat maxes,but it doesn't matter.<br>I will train at my own pace and will not go in any specific order.<br>Once all of them are gone and the training is done I may add more.<br>Ends once I think nobody else is bidding.
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
I'm A Proud Directioner, Are You?
Go One Direction!
Go Directioners!
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.
I'm A Proud Directioner, Are You?
Go One Direction!
Go Directioners!
Not playing anymore...just popping on to get some art every now and then until my VPC runs out xD.