I'm thinking of doing some 'Gift Sets' & a 'Special Box Set'<br><br>Within the Gift Sets a friend can give another friend a gift of either, some free trainings, free banner, free layout or free hand drawn image <br><br>They will have set prices which im thinking between 20K - 70K <br> <br>As for the Special Box Set im thinking of a set price between 30K - 50K<br><br>But with contents worth at least 100K <br><br>This would also contain the things above, but in quantities of how I am feeling, so this could be trainings, layouts, anything that im up for giving out really.<br><br>You would also be able to buy one of these for your friend... <br><br>so I ask what do you guys think of this?<br><br>*Edit*<br><br>Also when you order one of these for a friend, you will get a personalised ticket to give to them, so then the friend can give the ticket and order what they want
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
I'm A Proud Directioner, Are You?
Go One Direction!
Go Directioners!
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt