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Why me?

edited May 2012 in Vent
Ok so most people know I have a little 5 month old pomeranian puppy named Fable. For starters no one in my family likes her at. She is either "too hyper", "Looks like a chow", "Poops in the yard", "Why couldn't you just take MY dog?" and the list goes ON and ON! Me and my boyfriend love her to no end. We get her the best things she could ever want. (Yes a tad spoiled >.<) She goes to the vet regularly even if it means not being able to do anything. We go out of our way to care for her in the best possible way know to man. And yet for some reason we have to suffer.<br><br>For days my uncle was complaining to my mother (Why he just didn't ask me I have no idea) so she tells me that he is tired of the pood in the front yard. My response:<br>1. Get a darn pooper scooper and clean it all up that day<br>2. Suggest for the thousandth time to fix the back door so that she can potty where no one goes.<br><br>Well of course non of this is noticed. :roll: <br>So later that week (Thursday night) Fable is in the kitchen as usual and goes by the trash. All of a sudden she is chomping on something. I see some hair so I go to get it out of her mouth and I see little green pellets. Freeking out I shove my fingers down her throat and scoop it all out. This is what it looked like <img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Scared of what I thought it was I asked my aunt what it was. And she said rat poison. My heart like exploded. Many people know I already had a cat that died of anti-freeze and I was crying in seconds. I forced her to quickly drink some peroxide so she would throw up while the whole time balling my freekin eyes out. My uncle is like "Well the only place that there is rat poison is in the bathroom" Well she never WENT in the bathroom. And yet it magically is behind the trash and was not seen at all that day.<br><br>Well she acted ok for the night and was playing around. About an hour after it happened she went near the bedroom downstairs and I called her saying where were you? My Unle says, without pausing "Probally trying to find a place to die" and then laughs. If it were not bad enough that I THOUGHT he may have done it e had to say that. Well she did great for the rest of the night but the next day she vommited 3 times while I was at work. <br><br>As soon as I got out we took her to the vet. They gave her a shot and some meds that she has to take for thirty days. And THEN we might know for SURE if she is going to make it. I am SO stressed out and would be absolutely devestated if my little baby passed away. I do not know what to do. :cry: :cry: :cry:


  • Oh, goodness, Dingo. I'm so sorry, I know how much Fable means to you, and I kind of know what it feels like to be in that position. The fact that your uncle could make a joke about the whole thing is awful, do you really think he would've done it on purpose? If he did, that really isn't right, to put yourself through that, and the dog. <br><br>I know, easier said than done, but try to relax a little bit.. Stressing wont help. Maybe sit with her for a little while and do something you like? That always helps me, and small dogs are awesome because they actually fit in your lap, so you can -comfortably- sit around with them. XD
  • To be honest Frost i kind of do think he did. He knows we are trying to move out and had just been complaining about her since we got her. And I have been laying on the bed with her because she will lick my face and try to get her body close to me and she loves playing that way to. I am trying not to stress but with my cat dying almost the same way I am just losing it. :cry: <br><br>She has been doing A LOT better since we got the vitamin k for her. But she has the most HORRID poop. I mean watery and gross.
  • wow im sorry thats sad least shes doing better and i agree i think he did do it who jokes about that?

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  • Wow I'm so sorry to hear, I don't know you and haven't talked to you but my heart goes out to you. I really hope all turns out well and Fable will be ok and that you can move out soon. I would be devastated if something like that happened to one of my dogs and I can imagine how stressed and worried you are.<br><br>Is she left home alone a lot where you can't supervise her? Is she crate trained? If she's crate trained I would suggest her being crated when your not around to keep a close eye on her since it sounds like you can't trust your uncle. If she isn't crate trained though that would probably make the situation worse as many puppies are very noisy when being create trained. <br><br>Here's sending you and your pup the best of wished and positive thoughts. Here's hoping everything works out.
  • Wow... Just wow, that is just plain evil... How can he say that about your dog? That's just mean, and leaving rat poison on the floor of the kitchen where there's a dog... That's not right<br><br>I really really hope that Fable is okay x I feel for you Dingo xx
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