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Traiding Goodie Dye for Training

edited May 2012 in Auction
Im offering a goodie Dye in exchange for training.<br><br>The way this auction works will be who ever offers to train the most dogs wins.<br>Most dogs will be imports but not very badly stated<br>Dogs will be trained anywhere from 11-12.5.2 years. Only Grooming rh when needed.<br>I expect at least three dogs to be done a day. if not then I want you to contact me telling me that you wont be able to train that day.<br>If you no longer want to train the dogs then I will pay you 30K per year that you have trained.<br><br>SB: 3Dogs<br>Reserve: Hidden<br>BIN: 30 Dogs<br>HB: 15 Wetnose<br><br>Form fill out<br>Name:<br>Kennel Link:<br>Grooming Examples:
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested


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