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New Layout

<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Two days of messing around with the code I made and this is what I came up with.<br><br>Please comment.<br><br>I have a few different styles I want to mess around with so Im not done playing with them. But Ive been wanting a new layout for a while. So there it is.<br><br>Ill make a free one for the first person who posts this here.<br>**Understand that I get creative freedom with this layout. Meaning you get to come up with basics of graphics but overall I will make it the way I like.<br>***Understand that the style may not be EXACTLY like the one above as in I am still trying different ideas.<br>*If I make you a layout Id like to be able to be up on your kennel for at least three weeks. If not let me know.<br><br>
Text:<br>Subtext:<br>Pictures:<br>Background:<br>Colors:<br>Moodtheme:<br>Headers:<br>Text Places:<br>Other:
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested


  • Claiming!<br> Text: Luv It Kennel<br> Subtext: Training only the Best.<br> Pictures: Any photos of dogs work =D<br> Background: Whatever fits.<br> Colors: Dark Blues/Greys/Blacks/Whites<br> Moodtheme: Professional/elegant.<br> Headers: The Kennel, Training, Other Services<br> Text Places: You can be creative =D But I would like the headers to go in that order ^<br> Other: Thank you! If you have questions or anything PM me =D
    02/22/14 <3
  • love it darky... one thing i suggest is using progressive images instead of baseline or optimised since it comes up lower quality first and then gets better, also try and keep image file sizes to around 25mb then it loads up faster :)<br><br>you can usually do that by pressing "save for web" options on your graphics program
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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