I have been sick for either 3 or 4 days and this will be my third day out of school... <br>I have fever, chills, headaches, and now I am having trouble breathing. <br><br>Well also next tuesday and Wednesday I have my HUGE science test my HUGE algebra test and a HUGE band concert! !!!! <br>I can't afford to miss school...and here I am in my bed listening to my bus pull away and I am not on it. <br><br>I was planning on going to school today because I NEED to! But of course with my luck I start having trouble breathing and my mom, not understanding how important these test and concert are to me is like" You need to stay home..you can't help it if your sick and you can't get other people sick!" ME "but Mom! I need to go!" MOM "(insert name) Go get in bed.." <br><br>I can't afford to miss this because these test can decide my future... and I need to be in band or I will Loose my solo!

<br><br>I don't know what to do and... gosh I am soo stressed out!
SmiLe :)
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt