<span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">So before anyone reads this, this is a happy vent. (:<br><br>So last weekend was my birthday. To this date, I hadn't done anything rebellious. So a day after my birthday, my friends and me were out an about and I turned to them and said that I wanted a tattoo. They both turned to me like WTF?! O.o<br><br>Well, I got it.<br><a href="
http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/104/6/7/profile_picture_by_katgresham-d4w6xcp.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Tattoo Picture</a><br>There is a meaning behind my tattoo. I don't feel like typing it all out so if you're curious, ask me in pm haha<br><br>But anyways, I come home at like 8 pm and throw on a robe. I walk into the living room where my mom is watching tv and ask her what she thinks about me getting my first tattoo.<br><br>"I guess, if that's what you want.."<br>"So you're ok with me getting a tattoo? Like, you like tattoos?"<br>"If they have a meaning then sure. Actually... I was going to get a tattoo tonight. But the guy I wanted to do mine wasn't there. It's something that I never would've done and I wanted to surprise you girls."<br><br>O____O<br><br>"Oh really mom?!"<br>"Yeah, so I guess we can get out first ones together."<br>"Well... Mom..."<br>Then I stood up and dropped the robe. All I hear is her gasp!<br><br>"OMG! It's so cute!'<br><br>-__-* <br>"Uhh, mom, you're supposed to be mad.."<br>"Ah babe, you're into art and stuff. This is you. I only knew it was a matter of time before you got one. And I know how much you like Dragonflies. They're your thing."<br><br>I'm thankful to have a mom like that. She trusted me so much and knew that this is what I wanted. (:<br>Plus I'm IN LOVE with my tattoo. <br><br>Then a couple days ago, for a birthday present, my mom bought a stero system and speakers for my car and also tinted the windows dark (it's much needed in the desert). I love it.<br><br>Today, I FINALLY got my hair done. I seriously bought extensions like four years ago and have been growing my hair out since. It's hard though with swim season. So eight months of growing it out would go down the drain with four months of swim haha But I finally did it. I got it cut (not trimmed but actually cut) and colored and had the extensions fitted. My color is a dark auburn brown with a purple tint. It's SO beautiful! And the extensions look natural! I'm so in-love! The extensions are used to make my hair thicker, not so much length. I have thin-fine hair so it was a drastic change. I feel amazing. Like a new person!<br><br>New car, new hair, new tattoo... And it's prom Saturday. Not to mention graduation is only 5ish weeks away! Wow... Life all of a sudden just got epic! I vented about a week or so how lame and routine my life was. Now it's taken a whole turn around just because I listened to the people's advice on here. (: The hair was me time. The tattoo, me time. And the car was just a pleasure that makes me feel better (and cooler with those hot summer rays beating down on my windows).<br><br>Ugh, good life. Changes can be awesome sometimes.</span></span>
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t