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Boarding Kennel Question*answered,thank you*

edited April 2012 in Questions/Support
Okay, so this never came up back when I used to play, but now with boarding kennels, I have a question. I had some dogs sent to my training kennel on contracts... I accepted the contracts and found that I could not train the dogs without removing them from a boarding kennel that they were in... I felt like I had to do that since accepting the contracts paid me, but unless I was imaging things... I ended up paying for the dogs stay at the kennel?<br><br>Am I imagining this or did it really have me pay the dogs boarding fees? If it did, how do I deal with this in the future, as taking the contracts did pay me? I couldn't just send the dogs back after accepting payment, but I shouldn't be paying the boarding fees either. Halp? *confused*


  • You did pay the fees associated with boarding. Typically trainers are okay with this, as it's become a common practice for players to send dogs and then board them prior to accepting. I personally do this so the dogs don't accidentally age, as all of my dogs are in active accounts where turns are going to be necessary.<br><br>I find up to 1500 for a single boarding fee is a minimal amount compared to the typical price that myself and other trainers charge per dog. Obviously if you're fairly low in your prices you might cut out, but for example, 1500 for a 150k training is just pocketchange.<br><br>You could inform your customers that you will not accept boarded dogs, or that they have to cover the turns. I personally stray away from trainers that say this though, as I've accepted it as a part of training for several years now. <br><br>If you don't want to pay the fees, just tell the customer. You aren't required to pay the fees for them.
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • Ahh, thank you for clearing it up! I wasn't honestly sure if I was imagining it or if I was doing what I was supposed to do by reclaiming them from the boarding kennel! I put mine in a boarding kennel as well to avoid aging, but had not leased any out to people from there so was totally unsure of the whole process.<br><br>You also made me feel a lot better in knowing that the fee will stay so low (because no, 1500 is not an issue, though the trainings in question were for only 20k per dog to begin with), I don't know enough about boarding kennels yet to have realized that it capped off at such a low amount. <br><br>Thanks for the speedy reply, at least now I know what's going on, I wasn't sure if it was something that I was doing incorrectly. *breaths sigh of relief*
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