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<span style="font-size:85">Oh dear...You love spammed me this morning..and although you made me go through tons of mesgs I luffle you! <3 </span><br><span style="font-size:50">Oh, and pay backs are coming..very soon! XD</span>
02/22/14 <3


  • Patteh is awesome, I agree! :D<br><br>She's.. awesometactular!
  • Whos this Patteh you speak of? I only know of Kneecap XD
  • I'm still working on that you know, Tiffehh. Check all your accounts! I'm suffering from extreme separation anxiety, so I had to leave you some more messages. Not as lovely this time. There no excuse why you should talk to me 24/7. You haven't been replying to my texts. That's easily forgivable though, don't worry. If I'm not mistaken, I believe we sent about 200 messages within a one hour period. We should go for a record. The more messages the better.. you know that, Tiff! We had like three convos going at once last night! <br><span style="font-size:50">I'm pretty sure Ori thinks I'm a child abuser, throwing kids in recycling bins.</span><br><br>CAMPUS. You're the only one that does call me Kneecap. ;D<br><br>Thanks to My Royal Hairiness, I read this before I got too mad at you for not replying. XD Love you Tiffehh. <3 Sending more spam love your way.
  • xD its your name in my phone
  • <span style="font-size:85">120..messages...Oh.My.Gawd.<br>I get to look at pattehh messages for the next hour xD</span>
    02/22/14 <3
  • <span style="font-size:85">Oh and because I didn't mesg you back to all 120 messages xD Here ya go!<br>Sorry I wasn't on to talk to you bestie! I was doing homework..>.< Blagh Taking over my life! I tried to keep texting you but...I forgot at times.. :roll: I am glad to here about Jonah and not landing in the recycle bin xDDD and patteh I think you have severe separation anxiety..But I still love you! Thanks for the invite but nooo thanks I don't wanna move down south lol too warmm! lol I have become used to Michigan and its colderness =D Oh and I enjoyed reading your little stories! How was it on the roof? did you get a tan?? lol the cloud picture was reallly pretty! It was storming here yesterday so our clouds looks Blaghh! Alright Best friend I <333's you and I will be at work today..D: I know.. So probably won't be able to talk..again..</span>
    02/22/14 <3
  • Yes I agree I love Patteh! And also love the tiffers xxx
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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