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How much can TV go on about Titanic

edited April 2012 in Vent
Right I know full well that Titanic was a tragedy here in Britain but seriously every 2minutes there is something new advertising Titanic and we get it most years. Now they are having a blast because its 100years since Titanic sank. I think I would rather spend my time respecting the passengers that were on the ship with a remembrance silence or something, not by watching TV about random stuff about it... and the film in 3D.... well that just ruins the movie (haven't actually watched the 3D version, but don't think it will be good) <br><br>The original is a GREAT film, and I can't think of ANY moments that should be in 3D....<br><br><br>/end rant
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt


  • The part where the ship sank and people were falling to their deaths was in 3D. -__- Titanic has been turned into a 3D horror movie. O_O
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Well now, that really does ruin it... <br><br>Titanic was an AWESOME film, and I've actually seen lots of stuff from the actual Titanic, as its shown in museums round here a lot.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • We have a HUGE museum here dedicated entirely to the Titanic.. so I've seen a bunch of stuff too. They sell debri from the ship in necklaces and other jewelry; I actually have a piece of the Titanic with me at all times. xD (It's a tiny shard of the ship in a ring that I never take off). I wanted to get a bigger piece in a necklace replicating the one Rose got.. but it's outstandingly expensive. O_O Oh and btw, stuff about Titanic like, -never- comes on Tv here.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Its on a lot over here, and its actually getting rather annoying at the moment, cause theres the Titanic stuff and the Costa Concordia like a lot, which is kinda the same thing. <br><br>And thats awesome about the ring, I got some 'fools gold' from the museum last time they had a Titanic thing on. Was fun, went with my dad cause I was like 8 or something. Hopefully they will have one on this year since its the 100th anniversary
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • This is how I feel when everywhere I go I see 'hunger game' related things. It gets flipping old. If it can be put into 3d, they will because they figure they can make money off of it. <br><br>I'm not seeing much of their commercials so I'm not bothered. I skip over commercials by fastforwarding
  • The 100th anniversary is a -huge- thing here. I believe were having a parade and everything. -__- The museum is sponsoring it of course. I'm gonna go, and hope that someone drops their ridiculously expensive Titanic replica necklace. :D<span style="font-size:85"> lol<br></span><br>There's actually no hunger game related commercials playing where I live. Not very many people even know about the movie here, and the only time I really see anything to do with THGs is at the store when i pass by the book section. O.o
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Its quite a big thing here too, that's why its all over the TV. <br><br>I don't think anyone here really knows what The Hunger Games even is. I went to my cousins house and asked if she'd seen it, and she didn't even know what it was about. LOL. My hoodie that I'm getting had to come from America because we don't have ANY hunger games stuff except for the books.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • You're probably getting the same hoodie I have. xD I also got an actual mockingjay pin itself as well.. I have absolutely no need for it but couldn't help but get it. :D The only place that you can find HG items here is at Hot Topic.. oh goodness I love that store. All the weird people go there to get their weird stuff. O.o
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • I wasn't talking about TV because like I said, I skip commercials. I hear about the hunger games EVERYWHERE! People who take the ideas for school events, the forum event here, topics about it, discussions on every site. It gets very very very very old. More old than any commercials about an actual event. I mean, at least Titanic was real and doesn't have a teenage girl fanbase xD
  • tarnish wrote:
    I wasn't talking about TV because like I said, I skip commercials. I hear about the hunger games EVERYWHERE! People who take the ideas for school events, the forum event here, topics about it, discussions on every site. It gets very very very very old. More old than any commercials about an actual event. I mean, at least Titanic was real and doesn't have a teenage girl fanbase xD
    <br><br>Totally agree. xD It gets excessive.
  • It was done<span style="text-decoration:underline"> very </span>well in 3D, some part I wih that they didn't put in 3D but overall i LOVED it!
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