Ahhhhh! I'm so SICK AND TIRED of this school! Its...Blahhhh! Horrible. I hate it, I've never hated a place this much, My principal is a [edited, inappropriate] who sucks at diciplin, Girls are backstabbers, even ones you think are your "friends", Gahh this week has been horrible. My "friend" lets call her Shelly. And my other we'll call her Amy. <br>Well me and Shelly were in choir class, she was sitting next to me, alright, well i was trying to do my spanish homework, while watching a movie in choir, So shelly gets up and moves in front of me so i take my feet off of the chair, and sit with one over the other, Well shelly didnt like it, so she moved her chair, so then my foot was still touching so she moved it sideways, still touching, yep moves it again and compleatly falls off the edge of the risers, starts crying as soon as the teacher comes over, and says i pushed her off, So i get wrote up, meanwhile the only 2 girls that seen me "push" her are girls that dont like me, the 2 girls that seen what happend and are on my side, arnt even freinds with me, well the teacher acts like she doesnt believe me while im talking to her, at the end she says shes still writing me up, Really!? She claims to have "seen" it happen, yeah im sure you can see it happen when we were surounded by people, and you were writing down stuff not paying attention, Well i was talking to Amy about it and shes like oh your my bestie i'll stick by your side, today, shes like my mom doesnt want me to be freinds with you, and i shouldnt be and you should appologize im like i have NOTHING to appologize for, and so now Amy and Shelly stay with Amy's sister the one who claims to have seen me push her. And my principal is still going to punish me for all of this crap! WTH! <br>-SMH-<br>-End of vent- <br>Cookies to all who read!
My real life horse! (:
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (:
My real life horse! (: