My computer is very fast and I can enter dogs quickly into events so to get some extra money I thought I'd offer to put dogs in events if your too laxy yourself.<br><br>I am willing to enter a team of 4 dogs. (Or less if you so desire)<br>in 100 events. So that is 400 SP for you.<br>You will send the team to me and that same day within the few hours that it takes me to enter them all I will send them back so that you get the Show Points.<br>Because I am a Sponsor trainer I can also either RH or FP or Groom your dogs each turn. So no turns will be waisted.<br>This kind of show entering would be any and all events that are available. If you want specific events entered first you may ask for them and I will enter all that there are to.<br><br>The dogs must come to me already stat maxed though.<br><br>SB: 10K<br>BIN: 10Million<br>HB:None<br><br>*I would really like to do this sunday because I will have the time so bid seriously.<br>**I have a reserve and hold the right to end this without a winner.<br>***If there are not enough shows to enter your dogs then I will enter them into all that are available and send them back so you get the SP in which we will continue another day.
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested