I have no one to go to The Hunger Games premiere with ;-; I have a headache from the dissapointment. Waaaah! <br><br>>.> I'll have a car in the morning. Hitting the first showing at 9:30 xD<br>COME TO ME PEETA
<br><br>I just met Finnick. I'm interested to see how his character and the whole story plays out. Nobody ruin it for me! <br>Well... I did ruin a few things for myself. lol
You can have them buuttttt... Gale is ALL Minez! Don't take or I will bite you. Even if it is Frosty. So get. Go get some other hobo. You can Have ... Katniss. Wait. She is a girl. Umm. Get BTR. Alright go along. <br><br>*EDIT* Get Edward Cullen. XD He be all sparkley like a fairy
Hah. I'll take Edward's brother, Emmett.. who would smash your guys with one hand then laugh about it!!! <br><br><span style="font-size:50">LOL</span><br><br>Even Finnick. Him AND his trident!!!
<span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#800000">Peeta be mine! <br>I'd go by myself, I don't care too much for company.</span></span>
<br><br>We can share Peeta in parts You can have his fake leg. ... And I'll take the rest <br><br><br>(sorry for the late reply xD Gyn and I had no internet for a while there...)<br><br><br>How did everyone like the movie?
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