Alright, I have decided to get another tank and have one, maybe two new fish.<br><br>I want a male betta, but am also looking at maybe a goldfish or guppy to occupy the same tank.<br>(Some people say you can do this and others say you can't?)<br><br>I don't know a whole lot about fish, I have done some research, but most people just contradict each other. <br>I had a male crowntail for over a year before someone added tap water when changing his tank and killed him.<br><br>So I guess what I'm asking is where to buy a decently priced small tank.<br>What kind of fish can be in the same tank with bettas.<br>What they would need as far as air filters since bettas don't need them.<br><br>Any other relevant fish info?<br><br>Thanks. (:
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