I get SOO sick and tired of reading ads for dogs where people say "If someone doesn't take this dog, it's going to the pound." <br>If YOU make the CHOICE (yes choice, no one forced you to get a dog) to get a dog, it is YOUR responsibility to support that dog. The dog can not take care of itself and it relies on YOU. <br>Yes, I realize that times are tough, money is getting harder to obtain, etc. BUT dog food is not that expensive. <br>Yes, good dog food will cost you more, but I promise your dog won't complain if he/she has to be on a cheaper dog food for awhile while you get back on your feet. <br>Wal-Mart has 13 pound bags of dog food for $5! You spend $5 on your freaking coffee!! <br>If you can afford internet each month, you can afford your dog. <br>If you can afford a cell phone, you can afford your dog.<br><br>There are times when I, myself have done without things to be able to feed my dog, or to pay a vet bill.<br>I have gone without new clothes because my dog needed surgery. I know what that is like.<br><br>But a dog is dependent on you, and dumping your dog at the pound is NOT the answer. <br>You wouldn't just dump your child because you didn't want to sacrifice for them, and you shouldn't dump your dog. <br><br>Over 50% of shelter animals (in my area) are euthanized when left at a shelter. So your dog has a 1 in 2 chance of being killed because of your stupidity.<br><br>It's called RESPONSIBILITY. If YOU get a dog, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to take care of YOUR dog!! <br><br>Ugh. <br><br>/end rant.
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt