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Too Bad You Can't Be Dumped At the Pound!

edited March 2012 in Vent
I get SOO sick and tired of reading ads for dogs where people say "If someone doesn't take this dog, it's going to the pound." <br>If YOU make the CHOICE (yes choice, no one forced you to get a dog) to get a dog, it is YOUR responsibility to support that dog. The dog can not take care of itself and it relies on YOU. <br>Yes, I realize that times are tough, money is getting harder to obtain, etc. BUT dog food is not that expensive. <br>Yes, good dog food will cost you more, but I promise your dog won't complain if he/she has to be on a cheaper dog food for awhile while you get back on your feet. <br>Wal-Mart has 13 pound bags of dog food for $5! You spend $5 on your freaking coffee!! <br>If you can afford internet each month, you can afford your dog. <br>If you can afford a cell phone, you can afford your dog.<br><br>There are times when I, myself have done without things to be able to feed my dog, or to pay a vet bill.<br>I have gone without new clothes because my dog needed surgery. I know what that is like.<br><br>But a dog is dependent on you, and dumping your dog at the pound is NOT the answer. <br>You wouldn't just dump your child because you didn't want to sacrifice for them, and you shouldn't dump your dog. <br><br>Over 50% of shelter animals (in my area) are euthanized when left at a shelter. So your dog has a 1 in 2 chance of being killed because of your stupidity.<br><br>It's called RESPONSIBILITY. If YOU get a dog, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to take care of YOUR dog!! <br><br>Ugh. <br><br>/end rant.


  • I agree with you there :) Its not fair when people don't look after their pets, we couldn't afford to keep our cats (not just cause of money, but also because we where out a lot) instead of taking them to the rescue centre we tried re-homing them, in the end both cats got to stay together and got taken to a home that had many other different pets and nice owners. I mean why can't people try and find decent homes for their pet and not just result in the pound after like 1week or something, they need to be persistent in finding their dog a home. And surely if they say they are going to take the dog to the pound if no-one buys/takes the dog, no one will buy it unless its like a puppy.
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Yeah, I'm not against rehoming in severe circumstances, but people need to realize that pets are like children. They can't speak for themselves, they can't take care of themselves and all they have is you. If you make the choice to take on the responsibility of caring for another living thing, that is your responsibility. No dog should ever have to be euthanized because of the stupidity of humans. -.-
  • I definitely agree with that, no animal should be euthanized because of us, they have needs, and they don't want much, i mean a dog wants a little love, some food & at least 2 walks a day, why is that so hard for some people?
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Some people just dont deserve to have animals. Sad but true. Ive had people accuse me of being cruel because i "Have too many" and my "Cows were in a dry lot with no room!" Little do these people know i spend more time with my animals than they do. And all my animals are happy and healthy (The cows were bottle calves. Didnt NEED grass just yet) I spend more time fixing fences than most people have ever fixed in their lives. So what if i have a lot of animals. Ive done my research on them all, can afford then all, and they all have names and i can tell you their personalities. I could never take a pet to the pound. Especially if there were a chance of euthanization. When i get a pet its for life. The only things i sell are the babies i raise and i handle them from birth to hopefully make them wonderful family pets. Now let me clarify also all the animals i breed are show animals so the babies are going to show homes. I dont breed anything unless ive already invested a lot of time and effort into making it the best it can be. If i can spend all the time i do on a farm, then why can one family not spend ten minutes with a dog a day? It kills me... and im a broke college kid even!
  • VampireVenom- That is exactly how I feel. I recently moved back in with my parents. I have 2 dogs. Yes, they are registered and I do plan to breed one litter out of them. But, it is to improve the breed, not because I just want a lot of money for puppies. I have had 2 litters in the past from other dogs, and I can say I made about $10 profit from 2 litters after all of my expenses. Lol. But all went to good families that I still keep in contact with about the pups. Anyway, back on topic, I moved back with my parents, who have 2 dogs as well, and they want me to give my dogs away. No, they aren't house trained yet (They are about 5 months old). I realize they should be, but sometimes life gets in the way of training. I have crates for both of them to sleep in, and during the day my female stays outside. Just because they have accidents doesn't mean that I should have to get rid of them. They say "give them to a family that will love them" etc... Well guess what? I love them. They are my babies, and they aren't going anywhere. I've been wanting to get a new apartment, but most here don't allow dogs, so there's no way I would move into one. Once you get dogs, it's your responsibility to find a place where you can have them. My parents don't think anyone needs more than one animal, but I take care of my dogs. I have never asked anyone to pay for their food, toys, treats, anything. I'm still in college and have probably racked up about $4,000 in vet bills within the last 3 years. Sure, I busted my butt to pay it all off, but I finally got all my vet bills paid. I found a great vet that would let me keep an account and pay on it monthly. He also gave me the option to work off some of the debt at one point after a $2,000 bill. Which I declined to do and just went ahead and payed it out. Yes, dogs are expensive, but that's just what happens. I'm just glad that animal care isn't as high as healthcare for people lol. Moral of the story is, I'm a college kid and can still afford my dogs, even if it's something I have to work for. People dumping animals because they "can't afford them" is bull. You can go out and mow one lawn in your free time and pay your dogs food bill for a month. It's just pathetic.
  • I agree. I have soo many animals and lemme just say horse feed isnt cheap. I chose to live at home and commute to college because i wasnt leaving my mom with..<br>4 horses<br>2 dogs<br>1 fish<br>1 cat<br>3 sheep (not including babies. 1 so far this year. Other momma due any time)<br>7 rabbits (three due tomorrow)<br>and 2 cows <br>O-o theyre mine. Mine alone and i dont ask for help with them. In fact i dont like help at all with them. Theyre mine and i like them taken care of my way. Funny thing is these people who say i have too many wild animals running around the place cant control one dog while my border collie whom is about six months old knows all his basic commands, potty trained (he spends a lot of time outside... he picked it up himself) doesnt chase cars, and he's starting to get a herding instinct (hopefully he can help me with the sheep as soon as he gets over his fright of the baby) A dog is a huge commitment and if you cant take the time then you never deserved all the joy a pet could give you and i sure these people DIDNT recieve it even if the pet offered it. If my babys dont go to homes i feel confident with i keep them. I dont breed anything i cant or wouldnt keep if i had too.
  • Wow vamp thats a lot of pets, and even though i dont have and have never had horses, i know that they cost a lot to keep, something like £3,000 just for setting one up in a stable, tack and stuff like that in this country. And sheep feel weird to touch (touched one at the horse sanctuary)
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • DarkHawke wrote:
    Yes, they are registered and I do plan to breed one litter out of them.
    <br><br><br>I didn't know you showed dogs, what do you compete in?<br><br><br><br>I found a poem a while ago that is perfect for this post =3<br><br>Retribution<br><br>The family's dog was bought for a guard,<br>Chained to a post in a chilly backyard,<br>Housed in a shed that was airless and dark,<br>And every few weeks had a run in the park.<br><br>When boredom set in with no fun and no work,<br>One day it broke loose and went quietly berserk.<br>Pa couldn't fathom just why it went wild,<br>As it flattened his wife and then bit his child.<br><br>The police were called in to sort out the mess,<br>And the whole sorry tale was revealed by the press,<br>The Rescue Society was really annoyed,<br>So, the dog was re-homed--and the owners destroyed.
  • All together we have 8... 4 of which are mine ;D Of course they stay on pasture unless its raining and unless one of them is in training or show prepping i don't feed grain. I feel like it overloads their system a bit if they are on grain without work. If horses survived in the wild on their own on grass then why cant mine. <br><br>I love my sheep. I showed the mothers. I have one who has a very fine, dense, thick wool. She's kinda curly. The other.. my blue is more of the normal feeling wool. I think her baby will prolly have wool like her. I had my friend who shows lambs come over and look at her and now i think she wants to buy her from me to show her O-o
  • I once owned 52 animals at one time. I have a thread about it on here somewhere. They were all well taken care of, not once did I receive a comment FROM ANYONE insinuating that I had to many animals to care for. I now own seven dogs, (it used to be 15), two horses, a cat, two rats, a turtle, numerous sheep and some cattle, AND I breed / foster dogs. My dogs are my life, I've successfully bred and re-homed many litters of show quality Mastiff breeds. Not ONCE have I EVER resorted to taking an animal to the pound. Even when people dump their mutts on my land, I take them in, and they're fixed up then re-homed. In my experience, rehoming an animal really isn't too difficult.. you just have to put the effort in and go that extra mile. It all depends on how much you <span style="font-style:italic">really</span> care for your pets. If you love them, they get the best you can give. If you don't really give a damn, it shows. I agree, some people just don't deserve pets. But on the other hand, stuff happens, and I HAVE seen cases where the owner of an animal had no other choice but to make that trip to the dog pound.
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
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