Real life graphic design is extremely competitive. The only way to know for sure is to go out and try, but in my opinion, few people on VP have real world consumer level graphic work. I do graphic design for my brothers business, but it's mediocre compared to the average level of art required for that type of position. <br><br>Businesses in the real world generally want logos, rather than banner like objects. Logos and designs to place on company items, websites, products, etc. If you can make amazing logos, you may have a shot, but nobody can really say. It mainly depends upon who you can attract to buy your work and how good they feel it is.
Ok and I justmeant like for people that maybe want a picture of there loved ones and I can make it print it and frame it and maybe sell those.....I don't mean like a whole business and I wasn't sure if you could even do that or not
I do logos and fliers for my dad's business. But that's only because he's my dad, so it was obviously easy for him to watch me doing photo manipulation/graphics and say, "Hey, can you do something like that for me?" And I can normally please him with the result.<br><br>I think people might be interested in a framed photo of their loved ones. My aunt bought something similar for her wedding of me and my cousin, as flower girls. So that could work if you get enough interest.
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