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Basketball? uh....

edited March 2012 in General Discussion
Hello once again :) Ok so my mom wants me to join the basketball team...But here's the thing: Basketball (or any competitve sport) isn't my thing. I might be joining wetnose101 on the team next year. If you're reading this wetnose101 (or anyone), what should I do?


  • YEAHHH! JOIN MINE! i never knew you were! eden FTW.
  • Sorry I have been stalking your posts. :D
  • Haha yea I'll think about that.
  • <span style="color:#8040BF"><span style="font-size:85">I play on my highschool team. I was never the "sporty type" either, but honestly, you don't even have to be. I have SO much fun, and the amount of friend's I have has tripled since my Freshmen year. It's such a great experience and the practices have done their job, im on Varsity. My advice would be to join even if you don't love basketball at the moment. The experience is fantastic and the socialization is great too. Plus it doesn't hurt to take a break from VirtualPups and get some exercise every once in a while. ;D lol</span></span>
  • Haha thanks! Yea I really do appreciate the replies, and I will be sure to have lots of fun.
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