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You Know You're Addicted To The Hunger Games When..

edited May 2012 in Games
Heh, pretty self-explanatory. I figured since so many people have read the books, this might be kind of interesting! I know I've definitely had my moments.. The one I had today inspired this game. XD So, basically, you'd post one reason, the next person would post another reason, and so forth. <br><br>I'll start!<br><br>When you see somebody with brown hair and a braid, you refer to them as "Katniss" until you learn their real name.


  • I can't say that I'm addicted since I'm just a new fan and I've only read the first book so far. <br><br>However, my friend is obsessed. I'm going to the midnight show with her. I'm so excited! <br><br>She has bought every magazine that has anything to do with The Hunger Games. She told me that when our shelter opens back up, we need to name all the animals after Peeta, Gale, Katniss, Haymitch, Effie, Rue, etc. She's been braiding her hair like Katniss from the movie. She is insane!
  • When you hear the name Annie and automatically think of Finnick and Annie :3
  • When you say to your parents when they're in financial despair, "May the odds ever be in your favor. "
  • When you follow your mom around reading the book out loud to her to force her to read it before the movie comes out.....;D
  • When you shun your sister for being the only one in the family that hasn't read all three books.
  • When your friends have no idea what you're talking about so you shove a book in their face. lol
  • When you read the title "To Kill A Mockingbird", "To Kill A Mockingjay" without even thinking about it.
  • When you read the title "To Kill A Mockingbird", "To Kill A Mockingjay" without even thinking about it.
    <br><br>lol I'm cracking up right now!
  • When you follow your mom around reading the book out loud to her to force her to read it before the movie comes out.....;D
    <br><br>Hah! I talked about it so much that my mom finally just read it for herself (and loved it I might add :mrgreen: )<br><br>When you see a wasp and run away screaming "TRACKER JACKER!!!!"
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • When you have dreams of you getting picked in the reaping
  • <span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">When your own mother won't give your own books back until you dress like Katniss and whistle like a mocking jay.</span></span>
  • When your friends talk about the parody trailer and sing a parody song. :)
  • wetnose101 wrote:
    When you have dreams of you getting picked in the reaping
    <br><br> :shock: I had this dream once. I explained it to my mother...she laughed and said "You'd die. Ahahahahah!"
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • wetnose101 wrote:
    When you have dreams of you getting picked in the reaping
    <br><br> :shock: I had this dream once. I explained it to my mother...she laughed and said "You'd die. Ahahahahah!"
    <br>Hahahaha I couldn't sleep that night cause I was thinking like, what if Katniss didn't help Peeta? That kinda thing.
  • You see The Avengers and think of Katniss when Hawkeye pulls out his bow and arrow(;<br><br>Btw I finished Mockingjay and cried for the whole last chapter.
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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