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edited March 2012 in Vent
Why? Why do I do this? It always comes back around and hits me in the face! And you know what? Every time I say "Next time I'll do better, I'll work on it every day." Lie. Grades for the second trimester close on Friday. I have so much homework right now, too! Let's see. There is a French assignment due on Friday, which I just got today, and there are over 32 sentences to do. When I have a lot of assignments, I tend to stress out more than nessesary, then try to do everything at once. I've learned from that, and today I did the 32 sentences. I'll do the rest tomorrow. <br><br> I also have a recording assignment for band, and the band teacher never even gave us the assignment! He wrote it on the board while we were WALKING out of the classroom. Never said anything about it again. I was talking to a friend in Science class today, and she asked me if I'd done the recording assignment, then said it was due tomorrow. I was like, "O.O Tomorrow? I don't even know what the assignment is!" She's going to text it to me, but she won't be home to do that until 7 o'Clock. <br><br> Then there is my computation sheet, which is just basically 20 math problems that I have a week to do, and it counts as a quiz grade. Due Friday. I never get good grades on this. I think I got a 57 on the last one... It's because she calls something completely wrong if we forget to put, say, a percent sign! I just got a 75 in a major test, and my grade was barely clinging to a B- before. I think it went back down to a C. My mom gets really mad at me if grades close and I have a C, last time it just barely got back up to a B, I think because of a "participation grade". Thank god. Anyway, I NEED at least a 95 on that computation sheet, a 100 would be ideal. The thing is, I always try to do the thing the night before, so it is rushed. I meant to take it home to work on tonight, but I forgot it at school. <br><br>So yeah.. This is where procrastinating gets you. A world of stress. I was telling my mom all this through text earlier, and even she said, "You're a mess today." Thanks mum, I know. :roll:


  • You sound like me! I actually broke the habit last semester... and then relapsed this semester. xD I hope you get everything done and ace your math assignment regardless. Procrastination is a habit that's hard to break.
  • I had to comment on this. Because as of right NOW, I'm trying to get around eight math assignments done. Along with three psychology, two civil law, and one government assignment. There's so much more, I just haven't looked yet. xD I'm seriously the WORST procrastinator. I will literally receive an assignment that is due in a month.. but only get if done the day before. I suck. -__-
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Ahhh story of my schooling life.<br>Even though I'm in my last year of school and really really shouldn't >.<<br><br>I've had a D-warning letter sent home for a class before, it's about the worst you can get at my school. <br>I just hate doing things I don't want to >:(<br><br>And the stress thing? <br>Yeah I had a driving lesson the day before my biggest and hardest exam and I ended up crying due to stress of like -everything- :| <br>Scared my instructor quite a lot >.> tehe <br><br>Just hang in there :)
  • I'm extremely bad about this. The internet definitely doesn't help me either... <br><br>I'm all like...<br><br>7 days before it's due- "I've got a week to do this assignment, why do it now?" -gets on internet<br>5 days before it's due- Looks at assignment. "This looks easy, I'll get to it in a few days." -gets on internet<br>2 days before it's due- "I don't have enough time for an hour assignment today, I'm tired. I'll just spend 15 min on internet." -gets on internet for 2-3 hours<br>Day after it's due- "Crap!! I forgot that I had that assignment due, I HAVE to do it tomorrow!!" -gets on internet.<br>3 days after it's due- "UGH!! Forgot all about that assignment!! Oh well, I'll make up for it with the next assignment." <br><br>/And Repeat.
  • Heh. Good to know I'm not alone! XD Grades closed, but the teachers are still sneaking some things in. Everything looks good, though! A's and B's. -pats self on back-<br><br>Garfieldz- I haven't even attempted to break the habit! It's a wonderful idea until the day before it's due. <br><br>Zyn- That sounds horrible.. I'd be having a over that. -_-<br><br>Clo- I don't blame you for crying! I know I've definitely been there. Poor instructor. XD<br><br>Hawke- Oh, god. That sounds exactly like what I do! Except the night before its due, this would be me:<br>"Crap! How long have I had this! Crud. Crud. Gotta work!"
  • ;D i know the feeling... have a practical tomorrow... guess where i am.. anywhere but studying
  • Yea it's really hard... 75% isn't even a passing grade for me... I always drag things out and stall because I don't wanna do my homework. And then my mom watches over me like a hawk :roll:
  • wetnose101 wrote:
    In my school, you have to get 85% or above to pass.
  • Quarter ended today. Grades : C, B, A, B, A, A<br><br>Ignore that C. xD<br><br>This is pretty good considering the fact that I did no work for three months, and today I got all caught up at the very. last. minute. I hope you guys do better. :p I couldn't get that C up to an A because weekly attendance is required in that class and I NEVER show up. xD
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • Yea-here's the funny thing- people who have good grades want to have spring break faster and people who don't want more time to bring the grades up. The thing is that my teacher always gives a hard test before spring break so you cant get ur grades up-SAD
  • My quarter ended the other day, got all A's and one B! I made it a goal this year to not procrastinate and I've done a pretty good job with it I think!
    Here have a band-aid
  • My quarter ended the other day, got all A's and one B! I made it a goal this year to not procrastinate and I've done a pretty good job with it I think!
    <br><br>I've never made it a goal to stop procrastinating because its always worked out for me in the end, so I just keep doing what I do. xD You should be proud of yourself, I don't think ill ever break the habit. :/
    Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
  • I broke the habit this last quarter =D I ended up with all A's and a B+. If you saw my grades my first quarter..You would be extremely proud xD
    02/22/14 <3
  • I had a book report I had to do over my week-long spring break... It's now the last day of spring break and I haven't finished my novel. Dx Procrastination strikes again!
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