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I Do NOT!!! Parents...

edited March 2012 in Vent
So there is a certain social networking site that everyone of my friend's has. I politely asked my parents to consider letting me get one (I am several years above the age requirement). They thought about it for two months. I asked if they had come up with a decision and my dad says "Oh yeah, you're not getting one. You spend too much of your life on the computer playing Sims anyway." SERIOUSLY?!?! I haven't talked to my cousin (who lives several states away and her mom and my uncle got a divorce. She was from her mom's first marriage) whom I'm NEVER going to see again, in two years!! I lost her phone number and her mom got a new phone and we don't have her number so we can't get my cousin's number. I wanted an account so I could talk to her and my two best frieda that I NEVER get to see because they live about an hour away and we're in different homeschool groups =P And my mom also said that I couldn't keep my room clean so I'm not "responsible" enough to have one. What the heck does having a [social network] account have to do with cleaning your room!
"I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower


  • *friend's not frieda. Curse this spellcheck!!!
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • I believe you should be responsible to own a social networking account only because if you're not, anybody can have access to where you are, what you're doing, what you look like, anything like that... stuff strangers shouldn't know about you. I don't think cleaning your room indicates this kind of responsibility though, it's a different area in my opinion.<br><br>I had a social networking account on several differnent sites and ended up deleting them all. They're not the best thing ever like they're advertised as. Keeping contact with friends or family that live far away is the <span style="font-style:italic">only</span> bonus, in my opinion. Even then, I didn't really keep in touch too well with my relatives that lived a far distance away from me - they never seemed too interested now that there was such easy access. <br><br>If your cousin and two best friends have an account, they have an email. You could easily email them instead to keep in touch. I'd much rather do this. xD You can do everything the same - just through email instead. Send photos, updates, etc. It's more personal this way too, because you're not just posting something on some "wall" for everyone to see. You're going out of your way to send a few photos and a few nice words to your cousins/best friends and it makes the statement "I'd like to keep in touch" a lot more significant than a social networking account ever would (in my opinion).<br><br>Most of this is just my opinion. Which may be biased because I don't have a social networking account anymore. xD
  • Gosh those sites are such a waste of time. There is nothing that interesting about them and they start fights all the time. If I had kids I wouldn't want them going on those types of sites. I had one just to try it out and I had people wanting to add me that I -never- talk to. They thought they could add me because we went to the same high school. All most people care about are number of 'friends' and how many people 'like' their things. It just gets old and I am definitely not a fan. <br><br>Why do you need that site to keep in touch? Email was already suggested and then there are messengers like msn and skype. Oh and actually calling using a phone! xD. Seriously, you don't need that site to talk to them. It is way overrated. Too much drama and waste of time.
  • tarnish wrote:
    Too much drama and waste of time.
    <br><br>Main reasons I deleted mine. More time for VP! xD<br>I lied earlier. There are more bonuses than to keep in touch. I check out the buy & sells to find video games and supplies for my rabbits and dogs as well. That's handy to me, but I just use my mother's account to look for stuff on there... works for now. ;D<br><br>Also, my best friend begged her parents for three years to get an account. They finally let her and she had it for about a year and then deleted it. She realized it was all about popularity contests (basically) and she had people she'd never said a word to in her life trying to add her. It didn't interest her.
  • I have mine to stalk people!! JK! Actually i get on to keep up with stallions and shows i got too. Also i sell livestock so i have a page for those where i can get new customers. Thats about all i use mine for. Every once in a while i talk to someone but i mostly text people i know.
  • I use mine to stalk people.. >.> <.<<br><br>But..nah. I actually use mine to find people I knew at some point so that I CAN get their number or email to text them. <br>My dad died a few months ago and the rest of my family were horrible to us..took half of his stuff to sell it and get things for themselves, took his cell phone, his wallet, etc. Wouldn't help pay for the funeral (we're still trying to pay for it, even though my parents were divorced for 10+ years and it's not really my mum's responsibility). They got two new (used, but not the point) vehicles not even a month you have money for that when it's unnecessary and not your little brother's funeral, I don't know, but I personally find it appalling.<br><br>Regardless, my point is, since his phone was taken, I could t get anyone's phone numbers to let them know, keep in touch with them, etc. I found multiple people on said sites, and have finally gotten back in touch with them. I clearly didn't have their numbers to just call or text them, and I don't know about anyone else, but my phonebook only has my state's numbers. All of these people but a select few are from out of state, and I had no way to contact them otherwise.<br><br>But, I probably ended up venting myself and getting a bit off-topic.<br>Though, I won't be surprised if this whole thread is deleted, and any mention (named or not) of the social networking sites is kind of against the rules...
  • Garfieldz_Gal:<br>My parents do know that I am responsible enough to not give away information and stuff like that because for one, I am terrified of being kidnapped...<span style="font-size:50">or worse</span>...and I have seen a movie abot a girl that this happened to and it pretty much scared me enough that I would always always keep my profile private.<br><br>femalevamp14:<br>I'm sorry about your dad =( And also, I didnt know it was against the rules. Sorry guys.<br><br>Pretty much the only reasons I want one is 1) talk to people I never see 2) advertise my photography 3) not be left out of every conversation people have about stuff that goes on on that website and 4) my band leader posts tutorial videos and the music videos for the dogs we are learning on his [social network] page. So he has to go out of his way to email it to me.
    "I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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