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House of Anubis Anyone?

So does anyone on here watch that show House of Anubis? My two little sisters LOVE it so I am forced to watch it =P I've actually kind of gotten into the story but I just wish it was a book so I didn't have to watch their horrible acting :roll: <br><br>Is anyone else wondering who will be "leaving forever"? Personally, I hope it's Nina. Just because she annoys me. Her oooor Patricia, so I can have Eddie :twisted: Muahahaha!
"I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower


  • Well, I haven't watched it. I've heard of it but never cared for it. Do u think I should watch it?
  • Why would Nina leave? She is crucial to the story xD<br><br>My little sister watched it. She watches all the shows with the accents. House of Anubis and H20 and stuff like that. I happen to be in the living room when she comes home from school and she turns it on. I vaguely hear it and a few times I watched to laugh at the stupid American characters .They made them really lame. I already saw the ending because they played the finale like a week ago or something. I won't give spoilers though cause that's mean.
  • VP loaded this incredibly slow making me think I may had missed the submit button so I hit it again. Low and behold, a double post.
  • Yea me too! So I just wait, but it's so tempting to click Submit again to make it faster.
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