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Question about the stats of dogs from events.

edited March 2012 in Questions/Support
Hello to all :) <br><br>I was just wondering if someone could explain to me how and what This means :<span style="font-weight:bold"> W/P/S (wins/places/shows): 2/0/0 of (32).</span> and would welcome any tips on the betting (although if the first part is explained it will help me figure how to bet on different dogs without losing) :D


  • WPS is 1st (W), 2nd (P), and 3rd (S). A dog with a high percentage of WPS is a good one to bet on. Do not bet on a dog based on the title alone -- most regional, national, and international dogs are actually poor eventers, who've just been tossed into enough events to get the title. <br><br>Say you've got this list of dogs with hypothetical titles;<br><br>1) 1/0/2 of (100) Novice<br>2) 50/20/10 of (100) Novice<br>3) 80/30/40 of (200) Regional<br>4) 25/10/60 of (300) National<br>5) 100/50/5 of (400) International<br><br>Which would you be more inclined to bet on and why? <br><br>The first dog has a poor WPS percentage -- 3% to be exact. So in 3% of his shows, he's been in the top three.<br>The second dog has a fantastic WPS percentage -- 80%. That means statistically speaking, approximately 8 out of every 10 events he's been placed in, he's been in the top three.<br>The third dog also has a great WPS percentage - 75%. <br>The fourth dog has a poor percentage, despite his title. His percentage is only 31.6%. So basically, 3 out of every 10 events he might place first, second, or third.<br>The fifth and final dog also has a poor record, at only 38%. <br><br>If I had to place a bet, I would pick the second or the third dog. I wouldn't even waste my time on any of the others.<br><br>Most people tend to bet based on a dog's title rather than the actual percentage of WPS. Titles are easily earned -- you can just toss a dog into every single event and in a couple weeks, your dog will be international. Titles mean absolutely nothing when it comes to eventing, as most dogs with the high titles did not truly earn it. <br><br>To find their WPS percentage, you'll add all of their numbers up. So say you take the 2/0/0 out of (32) dog. His total WPS is 2, total shows evented is 32. Divide 2 by 32. You'll get this result: 0.0625. That particular dog doesn't even have a WPS percentage of 1%. <br><br>Your ideal bet dog would have a WPS percentage of at least 75%, if not higher. I'm not saying you can't bet on something with a lower percentage, but you'll definitely want to take the percentage into high consideration when placing your bets.<br><br>You can also check the dogs previous event history, just to see how he/she/it did in previous events of the same type. A good handler will only event their dog in the event(s) it does best in. Like I said earlier, some handlers will just toss their dog into all events. This ruins the dogs WPS but doesn't necessarily mean it sucks in the specific event you're looking to bet on. It might have a 5% WPS percentage but all of it's WPS's were in Cattle Herding. In that situation, you may want to reconsider betting on that particular animal instead.<br><br>Main point though, be wary of high titled animals. In my opinion, most of them are terrible eventers and their only glory comes from being tossed into a bazillion events. Their WPS records are generally in the gutter. You'll be more likely to lose out on your bets if you go based on title alone. <br><br><span style="font-size:80">** I'm not trying to insult anyone who has international dogs, it's just, from almost all of the high titled dogs, I haven't seen many with a record that's actually desired.</span>
    On an indefinite hiatus.
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