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Help! Pleassee??

Okay so I have to do a persuasive speech this week and it is the final speech for my class so it has to be like the best lol =] But I have no clue what I want to do my speech on.. I know I don't wanna do a speech on anything overdone. I do know I want to do something on animals. So I decided to come to my fellow Vp'ns for help =D so Please leave your idea/s with maybe a little on how I could present it below! Thank you =DD
02/22/14 <3


  • Best idea I have so far is: Why People should have to spay/neuter their animals<br>What do you guys think??<br>Also still looking for some more ideas!<br>Thankss!!
    02/22/14 <3
  • Persuade someone to buy a product?<br>Go to a different kind of store (especially good if a new store has opened in your area)<br>Persuade people to go see the hunger games?<br><br><br>I'll come up with some more soon
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Tigey your suggestions reminded me of an important detail lol I can't use Name brand things or those types of stuff so I don't believe I could do the Hunger Games and I don't know anything about that yeaa
    02/22/14 <3
  • Tigey your suggestions reminded me of an important detail lol I can't use Name brand things or those types of stuff so I don't believe I could do the Hunger Games and I don't know anything about that yeaa
    <br><br>well that sucks.. the whole 'no brands'
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
  • Spay/neuter persuasion is an awesome idea, you should definitely do that one. There's so many points you can make and you can discuss controversy with it as well as spay/neuter myths (like dogs getting fat from being spayed/neutered) and just promote it. Sounds like a good idea to me.
  • Thanks. With the spay/neuter idea I have to think of a resolution of the point that "Not everyone can afford it" (personally I think if you can't afford it you shouldn't have an animal because if a person can't afford that then what says they can afford to go to the vets and all the other stuff involved with an animal) but lol I can't just say that lol...
    02/22/14 <3
  • When i had to do a how to speech in college i ended up doing one over how to compete in a rodeo queens contest. I showed how to prepare the speech, how to model, how to read a showmanship pattern and all that good stuff. Take something you love to do that people dont find all that common and roll with it.
  • edited March 2012
  • Thanks. With the spay/neuter idea I have to think of a resolution of the point that "Not everyone can afford it" (personally I think if you can't afford it you shouldn't have an animal because if a person can't afford that then what says they can afford to go to the vets and all the other stuff involved with an animal) but lol I can't just say that lol...
    <br><br><br>Some vets/clinics will do reduced cost spay/neuter for people who can't afford it, and some vets are willing to take payments.
  • Trianna wrote:
    Thanks. With the spay/neuter idea I have to think of a resolution of the point that "Not everyone can afford it" (personally I think if you can't afford it you shouldn't have an animal because if a person can't afford that then what says they can afford to go to the vets and all the other stuff involved with an animal) but lol I can't just say that lol...
    <br><br><br>Some vets/clinics will do reduced cost spay/neuter for people who can't afford it, and some vets are willing to take payments.
    <br>Yea I found this out while I was starting my research because I decided to stay with the spay/neuter idea. It has a lot of statistics that I can use to back myself up with and kind of like give the surprise factor because the numbers are huge.. and its sad how many animals are strays and how many have to be put down in shelters because of overcrowding every year. Although nobody has exact numbers they do have estimates and everything.
    02/22/14 <3
  • Well I am choosing not to spay my pom because the breeder said the mom was alergic to the anisthetic not that I cant afford it so some medical issues are a problem with spaying and nuetering. I still take her to the vet to get shots and make sure she is healthy.
  • You have a point there. Maybe I will put that in speech as well that not all dogs/cats can be spay/neutered because of health problems. Thanks for bringing that up =D
    02/22/14 <3
  • Would like to point out that there are different types of d rugs that can be used for anaesthetics. I'm sure if you let the vet know what they have used on the dam before they will be able to avoid it. Also unspayed dogs can get pyometras which is a life or death situation and the only cure is to be spayed, and if they don't get the operation they die :(<br><br>And every season your dog has, the larger increase in risk it is to get a pyometra. The percentage after the first season is so drastic, which is why it is best to spay before their first season! <br><br>I had to do a whole research paper on this for my degree. Then I had to do a presentation of my findings to my year group. Was very interesting!
    ^ Click for comics
  • Yea I know while I was doing my research I was finding that not spaying/neutering your animals also cause a shorter life span. That surprised me kind of actually although all my animals have always been spay/neuter because we either got them from a shelter and they were already done or with a couple of my dogs when we adopted them the shelter made us get them neutered. I think over all its best to spay/neuter your animals though. Overcrowding and the effects it causes are just sad..In my speech I am also going to talk a little about how to solve the problem of overcrowding besides spay/neuter but by also buying dogs/cats from shelters.
    02/22/14 <3
  • PaperWings wrote:
    Would like to point out that there are different types of d rugs that can be used for anaesthetics. I'm sure if you let the vet know what they have used on the dam before they will be able to avoid it. Also unspayed dogs can get pyometras which is a life or death situation and the only cure is to be spayed, and if they don't get the operation they die :(<br><br>And every season your dog has, the larger increase in risk it is to get a pyometra. The percentage after the first season is so drastic, which is why it is best to spay before their first season! <br><br>I had to do a whole research paper on this for my degree. Then I had to do a presentation of my findings to my year group. Was very interesting!
    <br>I know the vet said she can get breast cancer easily but I did not know about all of that. Thank you.<br><br>I also know that my uncle's cocker spaniel had a condition because he was unuetered and never bred and had a very bad hemohaging(sp is horrible) of his man stuff and had to have an emergency neuter.
  • Mad Dingo wrote:
    <br>I know the vet said she can get breast cancer easily but I did not know about all of that. Thank you.<br>
    <br><br>This too. The rate they get breast cancer is ever increasing the longer they are allowed to have seasons. So sad D:
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