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I Try TO Be Nice...And They Do This!

edited March 2012 in Vent
So I have writtenlots of posts about how much my aunt and uncle don't like my family. Well they've done it again.<br><br>So we got some foster puppies from a deaf man in a Winn Dixie parking lot. He gave my mother's number to his sister who called us and wanted to give us 8 Shih-Tzu/Long-Haired Doxie puppies. Well my mom knew she was going out of town this weekend so she askedmy aunt if she would help meand my sisters take care of them. Well my aunttook taht as "Merit you can have these puppies". So she called my mom and told her she was coming up to take them. My aunt does not keep her puppy's pens very clean. In fact, she doesn't ever clean them. So my mom said "Well, Merit um, I don't mean to offend you but, you don't keep your pens as clean as I'd like them to be. I'm sorry." and my aunt says "YES I DO!!! I clean them EVERY day!" But we have seen her basement and her outside pens and they are full of poo all the time. My sister once got ELEVEN 5 gallon buckets of poo out of ONE pen! So my mom just said "Merit, no, your not ever home.You work full time and both of your kids are in school and have softball and gymnastics practices." and she says "Well Bobby will be home and he's going to clean theirpen and feed them!" Bobby is her lazy, mooching husband. Granted, he does have a good job but when he's not working, he sleeps all day. He works as a nurse and only works a few days a week. ANywho, my mom says "Do you really think Bobby will do that?" So Merit says "Fine!" and hangs up on my mom. She also told my mom she promised her two girls they could have the pups. Well she has pretty much convinced her 8 and 6 year olds that we are the enemy. When she's mad at us, she tells them all these horrible lies about how my mom did awful stuff to her when they were kids. Since then, they have come up to my grandma's house where the puppies are staying till my mom gets home and taken pics of them for my uncle's daughter from his first marriage. Now this is a 19 year old girl living on her own not making much money. She is not ever home and her mommy does everything for her. Do you -really- think she would take gpood care of a puppy? Well, today they came up while we weren't homeand took one of the puppies without asking my mom or anything. Just took it. That is NOT fair. My mom said she wouldn't do ALbama adoptions any more becuase we have given several pups to family members/friends and it has always turned out bad for the dog. Every time. They also came up yesterday and my aunt was like "Look Bella! That tiny one is yours!" or Alyssa would say "Look mom this one's mine!" and Bella who is six, first thing out of her mouth when she saw my 8 year old sister(with her hands on her hips in a sassy voice) "You know these are supposed to be MY puppies. Your mom just STOLE them from us!" This is what I mean by her mom has convinced them that we are the enemy. I also have another incident to write about while I'm at it.<br><br>COuple of weeks ago, Reese went to pick up my cousins from school with my grandma. Now, my mom drives the adopted dogs transport from ALbama to Pennsylvania every three weeks. Mary Ellen, the lady in charge of the foster group, provides pens and dog houses and dog food for all the fosters. Ok so Bella gets in the car and thefirst thing otu of her mouth is "Reese your mom is SUCH a liar! She took our gold puppy fence to Pennsylvania and SOLD it! My mommy said so!" First of all, the fence was still on the truck and second, it's Mary Ellen's fence. She paid for it. Oh yeah and third, this is a SIX YEAR OLD! She has NO right to talk about MY mother that way! The same day, ALyssa told Reese to shut up and get out of her way when they were playng a video game so I said "Hey Alyssa, you don't need to talk to people like that." and Bella whirls around at ME (I am 9 years older than her) and says really mean-ly "Um YOU don't need to tell ALYSSA what to do!!!"<br><br>I hate disrespectful children.<br><br>PS. sorry about messing up on some things, my keyboard is acting up =P
"I feel infinite." -The Perks of Being a Wallflower


  • I've said this to you before, and I'll reiterate it now... take pictures of any unclean conditions and turn them in. I know it might not seem like a nice thing to do, but neither is leaving animals in their own waste, and nice or not, it's the <span style="font-style:italic">right</span> thing to do. If they removed an animal that was not theirs from property that was not theirs, and gave it away, that's theft, and you can report them for that too, and get the puppy back. As far as your aunts opinions, and the way she allows her children to act, there's not much you can do about it unless there is abuse going on there. Sadly, not raising your children to be polite and have manners and respect seems to be out of fashion at this point in time, and it's unfortunately perfectly legal... One thing you can do is ignore it... it's difficult, but possible. If her children are in your home, however, then they should be following the rules your family has in place. If they talk back to you in your home again, put them in time-out. If they are playing with something that isn't theirs, and misbehave, take it away.
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