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Forum tidy up

As you may (or may not) have noticed, there is a new section on the forum just for rules and FAQ posts for forum, game and chat.<br><br>We found there were about 4 posts, I kid you not, about banner regulations and a few other similar situations. I thought this a bit silly, and confusing for everyone. Even myself! So we blitz through the forums removing all these multiple silly posts.<br><br>What I wanted to ask is, as a player (new or old), what other information would you like to see or think helpful for those that are starting this game. It is nice to have a collection of data in just one spot because it can be a bit daunting when you are new and come across the forums. No idea where to start, or how to go about things. It will also rule out the excuse "there is rule or post written saying we can't do that!". Trust me, we've had people try that excuse xP<br><br>So yeah, any suggestions for rules and FAQ would be great ^^
^ Click for comics


  • Not exactly a rule or info for the forums, but I was just thinking that maybe we could have an 'Introduce Yourself' or 'Newbie' section where links to the rules are there for them to see. Just thought that maybe that would be a better way for Newbies to get infomation and to welcome themselves abit better? Just an idea. :P
  • Interesting idea, to be fair a large amount of other forums have a "introduce yourself" section ^^ I'll check with my fellow ops and see what they think of the idea =D
    ^ Click for comics
  • Cool, also I think that an RPG one should be somewhere. Not how to RPG and that, but what it is about and how to get into it. Like, I never knew what it was but when I saw it on the usergroups thing I was wondering what it was so I just joined. I just think and little intro to it and what the whole section about. Newbies won't have a clue what it is if they have never done it before. I'm not sure if it already here, but I can't find it xD
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