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edited December 2005 in Game Suggestions
Okay I think in the goodies section i think there should be an option where you can buy 1mill for like 7 bucks. It would help the people who need some money. I personally think its a good idea
Please PM me if I win/bought anything!


  • Yeah Nef took it down for VHR because it caused unbanlance in the game, since people didn't have to work for playcash anymore, they could just buy it with real money.
  • but if they gave her money..why complain?
  • I'm just stateing what the reason was
  • if they used VP money then how is the game going to get real money to keep it running?
    My Main Kennel

    Due to lack of funds, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.
  • Because she makes money from goodie dyes and sponsor accounts from both VP and VHR, listen it's not going to happen, it'll throw the game off balance cashwise, she's already concerned that there's almost no deflation here, the VP cash just keeps piling up with no outlet for it...<br><br>She really didn't want to lower event creation costs because it was one of the deflators, it didn't work for VHR so she's obviously not going to put it on here.
  • Well, I probably won't be renewing my four prestige kennels because I don't even bother making events anymore, even with the price cut it's still too much, and I really don't feel like wasting my money so other players can make money without me getting anything out of it. To me it feels like she's encouraging people to only make very specialized events they can win to cover the costs of the shows, or only making free events, which is the opposite of what she claimed she was attempting to do. <br><br> My club events I ran for the benefit of the club members and never had more than 6 entries at the most, prestige/club events should have been free, but instead now all events charge the same so why even have a prestige kennel?<br><br>I don't see how she doesn't think there's no outlet for the money, with all the trainoffs, people paying millions for gift dogs, paying millions for upgrades/dyes, paying trainers millions, paying artists millions....just because there's millions out there just means people pay more millions for things. <br><br>Anyway, don't mind me...just a very disgruntled owner of several worthless sponsers now.
  • *pats Squall* Tis okay...<br><br>My thought to add to the goodie page though it would never happen... auto train for 3bucks a dog.. what a dream that would be.. or pay rl cash to have an auto train button for 5 dogs in your kennel...*dreams on*
  • lmao you could pay me real cash to train your dogs
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