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Romeo's Journey *It's been crazy...*



  • He's looking great!<br><br>I have no personal experience with clicker training, but since you're familiar with it, and you know Ro so well I'd say go with your gut feeling. If you feel that he will benefit from it I'm sure he will. :)
  • I was super busy today and didn't get the chance to try out the clicker but I will tomorrow morning!<br>I have a feeling he'll be terrified at first but he's very food motivated and will probably do well once he realizes that clicks means he gets treats. <br>I will probably do the whole 'loading the clicker' thing (some people like it, others don't) where you click, reward, click, reward, click, reward, until you can integrate a command. I think that 'loading the clicker' will work best for him and give him clear signals as to what the clicking means. <br><br>I think I'll try to get video of me using the clicker with him just so you all can see how he reacts and how I'm doing it. <br><br>Wish me luck! :D
  • Started clicker training today!<br><br>As you can see here: (WARNING: at about 40 seconds you may want to turn your volume down if you have headphones in...Romeo practically puts the camera up his nose and snorts) <a href="¤t=100_5722.mp4"; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 0_5722.mp4</a> he took it very well :)<br>(and I must say my clicker noise impersonation is pretty dang good xD)<br>he was totally fine with the noise and caught on very quickly.<br><br>I had him backing up with voice commands after about 10 minutes! I'm really excited to work with him some more on this and I'll try to get one of my friends or parents to film some of the actual training for me :)
  • lol, he's definitely more curious than nervous about everything these days.
  • Oriyana wrote:
    lol, he's definitely more curious than nervous about everything these days.
    <br>most definitely! He was all excited because he knows that when the camera is on he's usually getting treats xD but he was super curious about the noise it made and I eventually took it out of the bag so it wasn't so muffled. He was a bit started at how loud it was at first (he's always been sensitive to sounds) but once he realized it just means he'll get food if he does something right then he was fine haha
  • Quick little update on his clicker training!<br><br>For the past 2 days I've been doing his direction training while mounted but I've also incorporated the clicker cue and he's not fighting me as bad! He's catching on very quick and now gets excited when he sees me with my little black bag (that the clicker is in). My plan is to start taking him out to the arena and doing some of his training out there. I'm also going to start adding in the saddle and whatnot which I don't think will be a problem for him at all. He's fine with being tacked, he's just only had me on him fully tacked once and that was a couple months ago. <br>Anyways, he's doing great and becoming a much for excitable horse (which is a good thing in his case) ^.^
  • *sigh*<br><br>School has started. UGH.<br>No worries, I'm still working with Romeo and his training is coming alone well. I still want to progress on his direction training a bit more (he's so stubborn!). The past week or so we've been doing lots of extra activities with him to keep his mind moving and whatnot. He tends to get bored easily which only adds to his stubborness haha<br>Updates won't be very frequent with school and whatnot, but I promise to do about 1 update a week :)<br><br>I'll get new pictures in the next couple of days :)
  • I've been so busy with school that I forgot about an update!<br>Ro has had an easy couple of weeks. Between school and preparing for fair, I haven't had a lot of time to do his training as much I had planned. <br><br>I have noticed that Ro is becoming more friendly with my other boy, Knip (the one in my sig ^.^)<br>They've always gotten along but lately he's been GLUED to him haha<br><br>So as the update, I bring you CUTENESS!<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><br>and in other horse cuteness news...ALL THE BABIES ARE HOOOME!!!<br>*by the way, the trough is empty because as you can see...they dumped it overnight. I was trying to get the wire up on the other side of the paddock early in the morning when I took this and I hadn't refilled it haha <br><a href="¤t=100_5757.mp4"; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 0_5757.mp4</a>
  • New update with pictures and probably video coming on either Monday or Wednesday!<br>I've been so busy! Ro is enjoying the cooler weather and my trainer and I have been working hard to prepare for fair with Knip. <br>Of course I'm still working with Ro ;) I've been doing lots of mounted work and mounted him in the outdoor arena once. He was a little nervous about it so we are taking it one step at a time. I'll only take him outside once or twice a week until he becomes more relaxed with it. <br><br>My friend is coming over tomorrow to record me riding Knip so I'll have him take some video and pics of Ro as well while I'm warming up :)
  • Am i right in guessing your favorite horse color is Bay? LOL.<br><br>Ps. What about Georgia?
  • Am i right in guessing your favorite horse color is Bay? LOL.<br><br>Ps. What about Georgia?
    <br><br>Haha yeah I might have a rather large soft spot for bays xD<br><br>I'm actually fully leasing Georgia to a girl right now. I'm debating on selling her to the girl but if I do she may not stay on my farm :/ I decided to lease her because I felt like I haven't been able to give her enough attention after I got Knip to show. <br>I love Georgia but it's unfair to her for me to just keep her turned out all the time and only be ridden by me a few times a month. <br>The girl who is leasing him is really great and she does really well with her so if I sell Georgia that girl is my first choice.
  • Yay!<br>It's not a training achievement but it's still exciting....Ro is finally off of his weight supplements! No more oils and added grains! He just gets the normal stuff now!<br>Hard to believe that when he came to me you could see every rib and vertebrae and he was literally held together with what little fat and muscle his body had managed to save. <br>Check out this handsome boy! Muscular, full, and most importantly...HAPPY!<br><br>:D<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>(notice the curly forelock...that's a result of MORE BURRS stuck in it! He's so weird!!!)<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • yay for Ro :) I still can't get over how shiny he is! I just want to pet him :P
  • He looks sooo good! You're doing amazing with him! <br><br>Btw I just now watched that video of the foals and just about died of cuteness. XD
  • Oriyana wrote:
    yay for Ro :) I still can't get over how shiny he is! I just want to pet him :P
    <br>^.^ I know! I can't believe it either haha<br><br>
    He looks sooo good! You're doing amazing with him! <br><br>Btw I just now watched that video of the foals and just about died of cuteness. XD
    <br>Thanks! <br>Haha yeah they keep me entertained and on my toes :)
  • <span style="font-size:150">I have a question for you guys...</span><br><br>Would you guys be interested in a step-by-step video of how I desensitized Romeo to different things, how I taught him ground manners, how I taught him how to behave while being tacked, and how I eventually got to the point of being able to mount him?<br><br>Interested in some step-by-steps like that? Or seeing a video of how I taught a specific skill?
  • I'm trying really hard not to get upset as I type this.<br>I'm going to make it quick and to the point. Long story short, there have been some major financial issues and it's boiled down to one extremely heart wrenching option...I may have to sell Romeo.<br>This wouldn't be such a big deal except for the fact that if I have to sell him he might end up leaving my farm.<br>It's not for sure yet but there's not much else I can do right now except hope that things turn around quickly.<br>I've spent the last hour bawling out in the paddock. My mom told me when I got home from school that she doesn't know what else to do.<br>I already have Georgia on full lease and was probably going to sell her which was saddening enough. But Romeo is <span style="font-style:italic">different</span>. He's done so much for me and I have a connection with him unlike any other human or animal could have.<br>I don't know what to do or how to feel. I'm a wreck.<br>I know there's still a possibility that it won't have to happen or that if I do have to sell him that he'll get to stay on my farm but I'm still worried. <br><br>So there's that...I just have to wait it out and see what happens. <br>I'm scared. I'm worried. I'm a freaking train wreck.<br><br>I'll keep you guys updated.
  • I seriously got teary eyed from this Bobo.<br>I hope every thing works out and you won't have to sell him, or at the very least he will be able to stay at your farm.<br>If you ever need to talk, I'm here a bit now and then. <3
    02/22/14 <3
  • I'm so sorry coaster. Maybe you won't have to sell him! At least there's a chance! I hope that you don't. If you ever want to talk I'm here. :)
  • Thank you everyone for the comfort. <br>Talked to my mom today to see if there was anything I could do and things are still the same.<br>I'm taking in as many lesson students as I can but I also have to remember to keep up with my school work. Money is tight, time is tight. I'm just hoping everything will work out.<br>I'll have more information on Saturday because Friday will kind of me the final decision day and I don't know what will happen.<br><br>Thank you for the comfort and support. <br>I'll keep you all updated and maybe give you guys some more pictures.
  • Crossing my fingers for you. I really hope you get to keep him. <3
  • I hope you get to keep him! I understand what it's like to have a bond like that with a horse, it would be terrible if you had to sell him now! He is doing so well!
  • Good news :)<br>Right now, it looks like I'll be able to keep Ro. Things still aren't great, but as of right now I can keep him. I have some things sorted out and things are getting better. Things may still change but I hope they stay like this for a while, it's rather complicated so I'm not going to go into detail ;)<br><br>Maybe some picture updates and a video soon :)
  • Yay! I'm so happy for you! I'm glad things worked out :)
  • More good news :)<br>The financial situation was sorted out and it looks like I will be able to keep Romeo for good ^.^ <br>I'll have some pictures tomorrow
  • :DD<br>That is amazing news!!<br>I'm very happy for you, and Romeo!
    02/22/14 <3
  • More good news :)<br>The financial situation was sorted out and it looks like I will be able to keep Romeo for good ^.^ <br>I'll have some pictures tomorrow
    <br>Thats great!! :)
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