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Romeo's Journey *It's been crazy...*



  • It was a little bit cooler today - thank goodness. <br>I got on Romeo again with my trainer. She did stall circles with me on him and are going to transition to a saddle tomorrow. We don't want to take him out of the stall just yet because we don't want things to be so overwhelming that his progress back tracks. <br>He is doing wonderful! <3
  • Thats so exciting!!! I need a picture or a video!!
  • Thats so exciting!!! I need a picture or a video!!
    <br>I know! I'll get you video and pictures when I have someone to take them lol HOPEFULLY that will be Saturday :)
  • Today I put his saddle on for the first time in a couple of months. He was a little bit jumpy at first but quickly calmed down. My trainer had me get on him with the saddle today! He was a little more tense than usual but we expected that. We did circles with him in his stall again.<br>I was hoping to get video tomorrow but I'm not sure that will happen. It's going to be extremely hot tomorrow so my friend may not come out and I can't really get video when it's just my trainer and I. But I will get video eventually!
  • I made the decision to start training him in a bitless bridle. He had no problem with it today so I think his fear of the bit was just something that is easier to avoid right now rather than take a month to fix. <br>He responds very well to the pressure of the bitless and is doing well. <br>It's still ridiculously hot here so I'm trying to stay out of the set as much as possible so there may not be video for a week or so. If I'm lucky I can get one of my friends to come over early in the morning when it's cooler to help me out.
  • Congrats! It's always nice when all your hard work has a visible result. Lucky pony to end up with someone who is taking the time to understand him and work with him the way he needs :)
  • Oriyana wrote:
    Congrats! It's always nice when all your hard work has a visible result. Lucky pony to end up with someone who is taking the time to understand him and work with him the way he needs :)
    <br>Thank you so much! I'm ecstatic he's doing so well. I was really nervous that he would flip out when I decided to get on him. I'm extremely lucky have him and he's helped <span style="font-style:italic">me</span> a lot. He's shown me I have patience I never knew I had haha
  • I have some clips of me on Ro that don't show my face...I just need to edit a video to put on here. <br>He's done very well the past few days! He's getting very comfortable with me being on him (almost too comfortable lol) and is doing well with the bitless bridle. I can't wait to get him out of his stall and really work with him in the arena but it's better safe than sorry, so I'm taking it slow and keeping him in the stall for now.
  • As I's the video of my on him. <br>I had to do a lot of cutting up the clips because of our faces >.> *shakes fist at VP rules*<br>It's pretty much just me sitting there and walking around but at least you can see that I AM working with him mounted now xD<br>If you can't hear the audio it's pretty much me saying "I want him to relax before I do anything." and my friend making weird noises, making jokes and being hilarious.<br><br><br><a href="¤t=Ridingnoface.mp4"; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... noface.mp4</a>
  • Nice work! He looks so relaxed even when you're shifting around up there. And he's clearly listening to both you and the person at his head. He looks great! And still so shiny :)
  • Oriyana wrote:
    Nice work! He looks so relaxed even when you're shifting around up there. And he's clearly listening to both you and the person at his head. He looks great! And still so shiny :)
    <br>Thank you so much! That was only the fourth time he's ever had anyone on him. Probably the best thing about him is that when he panics he just freezes lol he spooks easily but when he does he doesn't do much moving around. I always talk to him constantly ^.^<br>He's getting much more comfortable with me shifting around and making more noise when I'm on him. He's still confused when I start talking at first because he's obviously not used to me being above him lol when i start talking he usually puts his head up and pokes my feet a few times before realizing that it's just me xD<br>I'm actually really surprised he's still so freaking shiny! Ro rolled like 3 times yesterday and he hasn't had a bath recently lmao I guess I'm just lucky ^.^
  • He's so calm! It shouldnt take any time at all before he's comfortable with you being up there fully!
  • He's so calm! It shouldnt take any time at all before he's comfortable with you being up there fully!
    <br>I'm so happy he's taking to it so easily. I'm not sure if you can hear me in the video but I ask my friends a few times if Ro is moving his mouth around and I tell him I don't want to move until he starts licking or mouthing a little bit. <br>He's such a great horse ^.^
  • Sorry I haven't updated this in a while!<br><br>Ro is doing wonderful :) He's become quick the silly character of the herd xD <br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>He managed to get some burrs stuck in his forelock and when I finally got them out he had a bit of an afro :D Of course then he was all lovey and wanting attention. <br><br>I've also been doing a lot of mounted work with him in his stall. I'm still working on the bridle training and I'm not really ready to take him out to the arena just yet. I figure it's better safe than sorry, especially with him. I've also been doing some more trick training with him to stop him from being bored with the normal training. I'll try to get some video of that soon :)<br><br>His weight is remaining steady and he's still gaining muscle. His coat is SUPER shiny and soft <3 We still have to tranq him for the farrier which annoying but he's getting better ^.^<br><br>Anyways...there's a little update :)
  • He's becoming so comfortable you're starting to see new personality traits come up :) He looks much brighter and more enthusiastic than in the beginning. I'm sure with your patience and dedication you'll eventually get him through a farrier visit without tranqs :)
  • Oriyana wrote:
    He's becoming so comfortable you're starting to see new personality traits come up :) He looks much brighter and more enthusiastic than in the beginning. I'm sure with your patience and dedication you'll eventually get him through a farrier visit without tranqs :)
    <br>I'm glad that other people can see how he's changed besides me ^.^<br>He's fine about me picking up his feet, it's just when someone else touches them. >.< He's a picky little guy haha<br>I'm sure he'll eventually get used to it, just a matter of getting him to trust the farrier.
  • Have other people at the barn slowly work with his feet as well? Let him know all people are okay with feet, in case you ever have to change farriers and then have to start all over again lol.
  • Tomorrow will be one crazy day for Ro. <br><br>I'm giving Knip a break from his normal training schedule because we had a show and he did wonderful so I'm giving him a well deserved mini vacation. So for the next few days ALL of my training time will be for Romeo. I'll be doing lots of mounted work (especially while tacked). He's still a little stubborn with the girth but I'm 99.9% sure it's just him being a brat and not wanting to have a saddle on haha<br>I'll try to get video or something but it's hard to do when I'm the only one (or just my trainer and I) and it's even more hard to keep my face out of the videos >.<<br>I'll make a list of things I do each day to update you guys :) and I'll take a few pictures of him as well ^.^
  • I've started to do his direction training while mounted :D<br>He still fights really bad when going to the right but nothing a little coaxing and rewarding won't fix ^.^<br>I'm glad to report that he could still care less about me being on his back xD He just stands there like the good boy he is!<br><br>I didn't get any pictures of me on him because that's a little difficult to do when it's just me :P<br><br>But here he is after he was turned out<br>He just has so much more light in his eyes than he did a year ago :) makes me so happy<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>ignore Connor's butt haha<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • Aww! He looks good Coaster!
  • He looks like he's pouting in the first pic lol. He's very cute, and looks so happy :)
  • Oriyana wrote:
    He looks like he's pouting in the first pic lol. He's very cute, and looks so happy :)
    <br>It's funny you say that because his lower lip actually hangs ALL the time xD I think it's adorable and I play with it to make him 'talk' :D<br>Thanks, Ori :)
  • Today was just a relaxing day for him. I spent about an hour getting the burrs out of his forelock (again!) and untangling his mane and tail since they haven't been done for about a week. He was just being all lovey and cuddly ^.^<br><br>Anyways, here he is...being all cute and such xD<br><br>Sleepy Ro<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>My boys :) Ro and Knip are buddies<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Mr. Pouty Lips :P<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>No more ribs! All muscle!<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • Ori, this video is especially for you xD<br><a href="¤t=100_5690.mp4"; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 0_5690.mp4</a>
  • lol I just wanna play with his lip :P I find it funny that you can't even back up to get a distance shot because he wants to be right there with you the whole time :P<br><br>How does he keep getting burrs in his forelock? Is he out there doing handstands when you aren't looking?
  • Oriyana wrote:
    lol I just wanna play with his lip :P I find it funny that you can't even back up to get a distance shot because he wants to be right there with you the whole time :P<br><br>How does he keep getting burrs in his forelock? Is he out there doing handstands when you aren't looking?
    <br><br>Haha his lip is easy entertainment for me xP Yeah lol he follows me EVERYWHERE. I can't even leave his stall door unlocked when I go to the tack room because he'll find a way to get to me. <br><br>Lmao, he probably is doing headstands! It's so weird that he gets them ONLY in his forelock...never in his mane. He's a strange one :P
  • I love the way he is walking TOWARDS you instead of away. Very nice work and it shows the progress he has made.
  • Here's a physical comparison compared to where he was about 8-9 months ago :)<br><br>You can clearly see he's gained weight and muscle! His coat is also in much better condition (even though the before picture was taken with his winter coat there is still a noticeable difference) and he's just a happier, healthier horse ^.^<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">BEFORE</span> Winter 2011<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">MIDDLE</span> Spring 2012<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><br>AFTER</span> Summer 2012<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • Im writing this at almost 1am because i got an idea and i have to share it!I think I'm going to go out on a limb with Ro an try something. I think I'm going to try clicker training. I've done it a million times with dogs and taught Knip a couple things using the clicker methods but I think Romeo will benefit because it will take him out of his comfort zone and give him a bit more stimulation while learning. Especially since I'm so focused on specific things right now, I think integrating the clicker will help him. <br>What do you guys think? <br>I think I'll really focus on the clicker when doing his feet (that way I can use it when the farrier comes) and use it for direction training since he has a tendency to fight going to the right side.
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