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Pointless Class...

edited February 2012 in Vent
I'm going to be up until like 4am again doing homework.. all because of stupid intermediate algebra. I got a 16 on my math act ( i did really damn good on everything else) so now that i'm in college before I can take a regular class I have to take intermediate algebra. I AM A FREAKING EUROPEAN HISTORY MAJOR >.< I do not need math to memorize dates names and events. I can add and subtract years just fine, and I know how to use a calculator. Plus the things they are doing in my class are like things I learned in 9th grade.. and i'm stuck in here until the end of the semester.. well maybe midterm if I can convince my teacher i'm to smart for her class. but really I just don't understand why a history major needs math classes, or science classes for that matter.. it just seems pointless to me. its like an econ major really doesn't need lit classes or art classes.. Or PE why the hell do we need to take PE in college? We are paying to go here, its stupid. BAH. <br><br>*Note: I'm a little self absorbed sorry. but I really am super smart when it comes to everything else but math.. and sciences other than biology and anatomy.


  • That happened to me too. I scored 490 on the math portion of my SAT and it was required we score 500 to place into college algebra. |: Every major at my college is required to take a math and english, regardless of their major. So I, too, get to waste a whole semester in a class I took in junior high, just to take another class I took in high school. -_-
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Sometimes you will need to use Math, or Algebra in the real world, its not just about the classes you are taking. My father uses Algebra everyday as a Joiner/Handy Man. I will need to use Math to do Web Development (sounds crazy but it's true). In certain programming languages we need to use math, and other things in real life need to use math and sometimes you don't even realise. Its not a bad qualification to have cause most things you will need Math and English.<br><br>Personally I agree that you shouldn't have to do P.E but maybe that's just to keep you all fit and healthy? <br><br>Also science is another subject that you can use in real life, and the reason they are making you do science is probably because you are doing Math. Math and Science go hand in hand, along with Geography. I actually took all 3 in high school and it probably helped me out the most because they all use the same stuff. You use a lot of math in science so its probably extra help for your math class
    Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt
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