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Polar Plunge ^.^

edited January 2012 in General Discussion
I've done this every year, and nothing's stopping me this year. Overall, it's a fun thing to do with friends and family, and raises money for the Special Olympics. I invited my whole team to come this year, but my coach isn't too fond of his swimmer's plunging into a cold lake in the middle of winter. It really doesn't get too cold here, it doesn't snow, and it hasn't been under 45°, yet! My team still has to come up with a team name and we're looking to raise approx. $5,000, which is a big goal. But, my team I've gotten together is big enough that I think it's a realistic goal. I'm really looking forward to it. :D<br> <br>Does anyone else do this, or something similar? <br><br>I know in some states they will wait for the lake to ice over, slightly, but there's no chance of that happening here. xD So, it's not a true "Polar Plunge", but it's as close as we're going to get. It doesn't matter how cold it is, we're still raising money for the Special Olympics, and our funding is going well so far!


  • :D My team has surpassed our goal of $5,000. We got our donation matched my two companies, for a total for $15,000. I checked our donation page this morning and our total is $17,641. ^.^ I'm really excited to see how much we can raise before the event.
  • Wow, this is really cool! ;D
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I enjoy it. :3 <br><br>There's the people who will just sit on the sidelines watching you like you're crazy. And the people who actually do it. ^.^<br>There's probably 10x more husbands&wives/parents/and children that don't participate. Their motto is "Freezin' For A Reason", which is true. xD Personally, I think there's no better way to spend a Saturday. Too bad it's only once a year. ^.^<br>It's very fun, they have it in most states. It just happens to be in a lake that's close to me, and the one where we store our boat.
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