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Artwork Chose the Price (Is Free If You Don't like)

Heres how it works:<br>If you want a plain piece of artwork like this (just a dog and it's name)<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>You need to:<br>1) give me your dogs name and type (or picture you want me to use) <br>2) tell me what you want him or her doing (sitting standing playing running)<br>3) tell me what will be in the background<br>4) tell me what accessories will be on this dog<br>5) and finally just wait I will get back to you shortly<br><br><br>If you want a birth Certificate like this: <br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>You need to:<br>1) give me your dogs name and type (or picture you want me to use) <br>2) tell me what you want him or her doing (sitting standing playing running)<br>3) tell me what will be in the background<br>4) tell me what accessories will be on this dog<br>5) Tell me what will be what will be in the title of the certificate<br>6) tell me what you want in the text<br>7) and finally just wait I will get back to you shortly<br><br>as for the prices:<br><br>1) a regular piece of artwork (just a dog and title) is based off your opinion meaning you chose the price depending on if you like it or not if you say you dislike a piece of artwork that i happen to be quite found of and impressed of myself then I will ask other people what they thing and depending on majority vote you or I will chose the final price weather original or better suited for the piece of art<br>2) If it's a birth certificate it's the same thing as a regular piece of art would be plus an additional $50
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