<span style="font-size:85">(The part in parenthesis is only if it fits ;D) I have more but I have to post them later. ;P<br><br>Blue w/ Eyes Sparkling (In The Sun/light) <br>Blue (Merle) (Surfing) Under The Open Sky </span>
not legally a blue w/ a brown leather collar<br>heart of gold w/ coat of many colours<br>blue speckled w/ a brown leather collar<br><br><br><br>might have more when does this end ?
Thanks. <br><br>This will end when I chose a winner. ;.; I need to find a suitable color for my beloved dog. Or, it will end eventually, if I don't pick a winner.
Cattle Dog Speckled Blue with Twin Tan Brows<br>Dappled Australian Blue with Wily Cherubic Eyes<br><br>And just something I thought might be cute, despite it making an odd color. <br><span style="color:#0040FF">Allie (n) loyalty, courage, defender, soul mate.</span>
<br>I liked this one, very creative. ;D<br><br>Ana, you can send the contract to <span style="font-style:italic">Reylaen</span> and pick out a few of those dogs, if you'd like. Thanks for the entries everyone.
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!
On an indefinite hiatus.