So. You think you can hop my fence, kill me with a pillow, then force my ginormous guard dogs onto a platform, THEN have your Boxer, who is less then half their size, <span style="font-style:italic">pull</span> them out... without being torn apart? <br><br>lol. You're quite the dreamer.
Laru would murder you as soon as you tried to get into my room. The only one you'd have a chance of stealing is Buddy. A rat terrier. xD But hes the best at Agility. Could compete him at Nationals. Maybe that's what ill do!
You're both wrong AND right in some ways. xD I breed Tosa Inus, they're a Bully breed. I hope you didn't think I bred AMERICAN Bullies. Eck. xD And Emme, I don't compete my Pitbulls in weight pull, so whether you can get a weight pulling pit from the pound or not has nothing to do with me. -_- This upcoming litter is game, bred to be excessively aggressive in hunting, they're simply the best. You CAN'T get Pitbulls like them from a pound. No chance. Love you guys. ,<3 xD
<br>xD Thats what I meant, Tosa's. I them! When I get outta the house and get more dogs (AND HORSES! XDDD) will you sell me one? Please oh please? XDDD
<br><br> I would love to sell you a puppy! Later on, when you're seriously looking to buy, I'll give you a link to my website through email. : ) These dogs aren't for the inexperienced, and I can guarantee that I breed the biggest/strongest in the U.S. xD So if you're serious, you gotta get some research in k? : ) One thing you also have to consider is that every dog I sell is nuetered, no exceptions, unless we have a specific contract that says other wise. Other then that, I would definitely give you a huge discount, and you'd have your very own 150-200 pound Tosa to raise!! xD
<br><br>Could I see pictures of your Tosas? I promise I will not use them in anyway
CONFORMATION WISE? Although her coat isn't especially long and flowing, like those dogs with more hair then humans -_- , she does look double coated, and waves in the coat are permissable when <span style="font-style:italic">slight</span>. She isn't to leggy, nor to squat, so that's good. Her feet look slightly out turned, though that could just be the picture, feet should be pointed straight. Her ears look a little too high set, and her tail loose, but again, this could just be the picture. Now, what I really like about her: The length between her withers and tail should be slightly longer then height, creating a slight slope from tail to the back of her neck, in that sense Pook looks good, if not a little too sloped, though I think thats just the way she's standing. Her expression is loving and trusting, puppy like, which is also perfect. Her eyes aren't too close set nor is her head narrow, that's another plus. She has the perfect amount of white on her eyes, and her muzzle looks like its about the right length. Her eye rims, nose, and lips are all black, any other color would be a fault. Her head is domed, as it should be. Over all, she's got a lot of good characteristics. I would be much more accurate in RL though. xD I loveth Pook.
<br><br>Haha, thanks.. Pretty good for where my mom got her.. Her coat was VERY messy in that picture, when brushed it looks a little more.. Tame? The paws, I can't deny. They are out turned slightly, her brothers are WAY worse, though. XD I noticed the slope in the picture, too.. I think it's how she's standing, though.. That first picture was a year ago, so she's changed since.