No! Mother would kill me! And you do get a puppyhood just need to wait for a litter with the right puppy for you.<br><br><br><br>It was the stupid owners fault -_- she was trying to feed both dogs cookies and shoving them right in BOTH of their faces. It defiantly took her by surprise because none of our dogs have food aggression with it each other.
I meant you have to pay that much just for the possibility of getting a puppy you ACTUALLY want. I know that if I pay that much plus the dog fee I damn sure better be getting the exact dog I want, and not have to wait for an unknown amount of time because my puppy doesn't come out in the first few litters. -_-<br> <br>I feed my dogs treats next to eachother at the same time all the time. That dog should still be watched.. food aggression like that, especially towards puppies, should've already been trained out of her. Hows your class going besides that?
Well you sold your dogs for 10k! <br><br><br><br>I ate the trainers. One is already has me tinkled off.They know nothing about training and are complete imbusules(sp). They had no idea why Kay was acting this why and when she wanted to put her in "subora" position she bite her fingers (like a puppy) and the lady gave up after two seconds. At the end of the class we were instructed to put our dogs in subora and she was a perfect lady for me, although she was vary stressed I was able to calm her right down by me being calm and doing deep breaths and such. They don't do a good job instructing, one of the person was basically hog tying their dog the way they were holding her legs and they said nothing.
I didn't actually. My up coming litter could POSSIBLY be worth that much depending on the dogmen that come take a look at the puppies. And my expensive dogs aren't agility BCs. -_- They're rare, never sold cheap, and almost impossible to get in good quality, plus the litters are small. But Agility or Herding BCs?? Come on now! You can pick a BC up from the pound and train him to be the best!!! Less likely but still possible. Or you could get a cheaper one from a breeder with just as good a reputation, and be POSITIVE that you'll get the exact dog you want. <br><br>I dislike that class, those trainers, and have the urge to move there and put them out of business. -_-
Yes, but you can do the same with a Pit Bull for weight pulling <br><br><br><br>Please do! We have -NO- trainers around. All of the trainers there are no where near up to par, and there is basically no other trainers available or close enough. We (my family) want to start up an agility, obedience, rally, maybe flyball and pet training facility in our warehouse. We just need to measure it and then get the permits and such. Plus if we did I would have MANY of my own classes
<span style="font-weight:bold">Yes, but you can do the same with a Pit Bull for weight pulling </span><br><br><br><br>Please do! We have -NO- trainers around. All of the trainers there are no where near up to par, and there is basically no other trainers available or close enough. We (my family) want to start up an agility, obedience, rally, maybe flyball and pet training facility in our warehouse. We just need to measure it and then get the permits and such. Plus if we did I would have MANY of my own classes
You're both wrong AND right in some ways. xD I breed Tosa Inus, they're a Bully breed. I hope you didn't think I bred AMERICAN Bullies. Eck. xD And Emme, I don't compete my Pitbulls in weight pull, so whether you can get a weight pulling pit from the pound or not has nothing to do with me. -_- This upcoming litter is game, bred to be excessively aggressive in hunting, they're simply the best. You CAN'T get Pitbulls like them from a pound. No chance. Love you guys. ,<3 xD
Chronic? Yeah, shes a good girl. You know I only share pictures with you right? If its of my conformation/competing dogs I feel really uncomfortable showing anyone else. Cash and Laru, they're my babies, I want VP to know them. But dogs like Chronic and Bravo are just competing dogs. I love them, but no way in heck is someone stealing my champion's pictures. I nearly sliced a girls head off when I saw a picture of Bully on her kennel page. But I showed you a pic willingly. Aww Em, I trust you!!! xD Now let me see Kayrageous!!!!!
I sorry! I sorry! I will.. as soon as I take some pictures xD I love her name too! I didn't even know that color existed. You told me that story before... you should have sued her!
I know but she has pitties.. I know my Zynformation xd
<br>xD I figured you did, but you were talking about breeding Pits or somethin xD Idk, I have short term memory loss in anything other then horses and trucks. xD Ask Vampy!
You're both wrong AND right in some ways. xD I breed Tosa Inus, they're a Bully breed. I hope you didn't think I bred AMERICAN Bullies. Eck. xD And Emme, I don't compete my Pitbulls in weight pull, so whether you can get a weight pulling pit from the pound or not has nothing to do with me. -_- This upcoming litter is game, bred to be excessively aggressive in hunting, they're simply the best. You CAN'T get Pitbulls like them from a pound. No chance. Love you guys. ,<3 xD
<br>xD Thats what I meant, Tosa's. I them! When I get outta the house and get more dogs (AND HORSES! XDDD) will you sell me one? Please oh please? XDDD
You're both wrong AND right in some ways. xD I breed Tosa Inus, they're a Bully breed. I hope you didn't think I bred AMERICAN Bullies. Eck. xD And Emme, I don't compete my Pitbulls in weight pull, so whether you can get a weight pulling pit from the pound or not has nothing to do with me. -_- This upcoming litter is game, bred to be excessively aggressive in hunting, they're simply the best. You CAN'T get Pitbulls like them from a pound. No chance. Love you guys. ,<3 xD
<br>xD Thats what I meant, Tosa's. I them! When I get outta the house and get more dogs (AND HORSES! XDDD) will you sell me one? Please oh please? XDDD
<br><br> I would love to sell you a puppy! Later on, when you're seriously looking to buy, I'll give you a link to my website through email. : ) These dogs aren't for the inexperienced, and I can guarantee that I breed the biggest/strongest in the U.S. xD So if you're serious, you gotta get some research in k? : ) One thing you also have to consider is that every dog I sell is nuetered, no exceptions, unless we have a specific contract that says other wise. Other then that, I would definitely give you a huge discount, and you'd have your very own 150-200 pound Tosa to raise!! xD
You're both wrong AND right in some ways. xD I breed Tosa Inus, they're a Bully breed. I hope you didn't think I bred AMERICAN Bullies. Eck. xD And Emme, I don't compete my Pitbulls in weight pull, so whether you can get a weight pulling pit from the pound or not has nothing to do with me. -_- This upcoming litter is game, bred to be excessively aggressive in hunting, they're simply the best. You CAN'T get Pitbulls like them from a pound. No chance. Love you guys. ,<3 xD
<br>xD Thats what I meant, Tosa's. I them! When I get outta the house and get more dogs (AND HORSES! XDDD) will you sell me one? Please oh please? XDDD
<br><br> I would love to sell you a puppy! Later on, when you're seriously looking to buy, I'll give you a link to my website through email. : ) These dogs aren't for the inexperienced, and I can guarantee that I breed the biggest/strongest in the U.S. xD So if you're serious, you gotta get some research in k? : ) One thing you also have to consider is that every dog I sell is nuetered, no exceptions, unless we have a specific contract that says other wise. Other then that, I would definitely give you a huge discount, and you'd have your very own 150-200 pound Tosa to raise!! xD
<br>Sweet! Alrighteh! Starting now! XDD No problem with the neutered part. I normally neuter my dogs anyhow. :P Any good sites with Tosa info? I'm also thinking about volunteering at a shelter this fall (summers filled up with horse things xD) so I can get lots of experience with different types of dogs & personalitys. I had a guard dog before (Great Pyrenees/Lab) But she was alot smaller and alot weaker (even though she was REALLY strong xD) then your dogs are, I know that. XD
I sorry! I sorry! I will.. as soon as I take some pictures xD I love her name too! I didn't even know that color existed. You told me that story before... you should have sued her!
<br><br>Am. Bullies can come in all varieties of colors. : ) Chronic is definitely one of my rare beauties though. Want one of her puppies? xD<br><br> I just told her to take the pic off. You cant claim that you breed the best Tosas but have someone else's stud on your website! -_-
@Myst, what kind of temperament are you looking for? I can get you a dog that would greet strangers like a submissive puppy, play with kids, and be a total lap dog. Or I could get you one that greets strangers furiously, protects the kids, and would tear apart anything that took a threatening step into your yard. Both types would be extremely obedient in public, I just need to know which one you're looking for and if you wouldn't be able to handle the second choice. Plus I'm curious. xD So, overly lovable family dog, or, fierce protector?<br><br>There's been some controversial issues with websites based on the Tosa. I read a lot of stuff that just isn't true. But you could try, and some books about giant, fighting breeds.
I would probably want the fierce protector. I don't like dogs that lick a strangers face. XD Plus, I've always been a sucker for guard dogs. I love how they stick to one person (or a few, however many handle them alot). <br>Alrighty, I'll look at the site now! One site I just looked at helped a little, as I know they had it right on the button with the temperment, just from what I've seen you say about them. Very good listeners, that need good socializing with a good handler. ;D
OHS!! I gotts an ideaaa! :idea: Light bulb! XD (I Despicible Me)<br>How about I do a research paper on Tosa's! XD Then I'll pm it to you when I'm done! :P
Another thing you have to consider, myst, is that a fierce Tosa will have the temperament he was originally bred in Japan to have, that of a fighter. And you'll never be able to leave him alone with your dogs. This goes for ANY Tosa, actually. Ive read countless stories of a Tosa puppy being raised with other dogs, growing up, having the smallest arguement with those other dogs, resulting in a small scuffle that gets the Tosas fighting side worked up. And because that Tosa was never trained to "wrestle" instead of fight, the dogs owner comes home to a killed pet, and has to put that Tosa to sleep. Its never happened to me, my dogs are always supervised and are basically brothers and sisters, plus they've been outrageously trained their whole lives. But I have seen one of my male Tosas challenge Bully for leadership, which resulted in me having to pull Bully off of the other male. That is the ONLY fight that has EVER happened here, I wasnt expecting it at all. Number one rule that my dogs <span style="font-weight:bold">know</span>: NEVER ATTACK YOUR BROTHERS OR SISTERS. But dogs can be unpredictable, anything can happen. That research paper idea is fantastic, it'll show me you know what you need to. If you do end up buying one I'll let you mingle with the puppies father, if possible. So you can see the strength you'll be dealing with. xD<br><br>P.s. Tosas do stick to ONE person, and only one, that will ultimately be the one he is most protective of. So you can expect to have a dog that will guard you with his life, and never doubt anything you command him to do. That's one reason why these dogs can ultimately be considered dangerous weapons. Vigorous training will always be needed.
Hey, Zyn, tell me.. Do you have any German Shepherds hanging around in your kennel? XD
<br><br>My GSD passed away seven months ago after a long and healthy, working life. : ) So, no, not at the moment. However, my offer still stands to contact a breeder for you as well. : ) LOL.
Alright, well I don't know if I'll even have any other dogs, if I did I would supervise them, and either put the Tosa or the other dogs in large outdoor kennels while not being supervised. I actually love research papers, if their a fun topic like dogs or horses. xD How long should it be? <br>Haha, I'll look forward to that day. xD Bring your camera folks! A new episode of "It's Me Or The Dog" xDD
Hey, Zyn, tell me.. Do you have any German Shepherds hanging around in your kennel? XD
<br><br>My GSD passed away seven months ago after a long and healthy, working life. : ) So, no, not at the moment. However, my offer still stands to contact a breeder for you as well. : ) LOL.
<br>I know someone you wanna meet Frosty! XD Brb, then I'll tell you :P
lol. So you refuse to let me contact a BC breeder, but one of Chronic's puppies you DO want? Ridiculous girl!!
<br><br><br>Yes! I love her!! Plus if you contacted the Border Collie breeder, I would have to get a puppy right away, if I got one of Chronic's puppies I'd have time!
Hey, Zyn, tell me.. Do you have any German Shepherds hanging around in your kennel? XD
<br><br>My GSD passed away seven months ago after a long and healthy, working life. : ) So, no, not at the moment. However, my offer still stands to contact a breeder for you as well. : ) LOL.
<br><br>Aww, I'm sorry. That had to suck, at least she was healthy. Ho w old? And, I would definitely let you if it weren't for my stupid step-dad. XD I'd be a lot farther in the dog world if it weren't for him. <br><br>
Hey, Zyn, tell me.. Do you have any German Shepherds hanging around in your kennel? XD
<br><br>My GSD passed away seven months ago after a long and healthy, working life. : ) So, no, not at the moment. However, my offer still stands to contact a breeder for you as well. : ) LOL.
<br>I know someone you wanna meet Frosty! XD Brb, then I'll tell you :P
<br><br>There are tons of people in this world I'd like to meet.. Rofl. Bill Gates especially. See if he'd have a donation for me. XD
@Myst, it came be as long or as short as you want. Just put in things that you think are important. <br><br>@Emme, next time she gets knocked up, you get pick of the litter. xD<br><br>@Frost, he was 17. Working farm dog, coyote killer, baby sitter. xD Loved em. To bad I never bred him.