We currently have five fosters that we still need to rehabilitate and child test. My kennels are <span style="font-weight:bold">completely full</span>. I have ten competitors in our indoor kennels which I train myself. Our fosters are usually inside where they're being trained for homes by either my mother, or myself as well. The other half of the time they're either being fed or resting in the foster kennels, which are also <span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">completely FULL</span></span>. I only have time to train the fosters after all of my competitors are taken care of. Which is why I can't take on any other dogs at this time, I barely have enough time for all of my animals, and dogs that need to be prepared for new homes are always the animals that need the most time and training... time that I don't have. But that doesn't stop one of my cousins from bringing home sister Dachshunds! She just walks into the kennels and throws them in with a foster Shar-pei that we have. I almost started yelling, but that gets the dogs all worked up, which makes them all bark, which wakes up the entire neighbourhood. So I kindly told her that we can't take in any other dogs, and that we need to find another solution. Besides, two puppies can't stay in the same kennel as an untrained Shar-pei, and puppies would require <span style="font-weight:bold">24/7</span> attention, which none of us can provide. I tell her all of this calmly. But she flips out and starts yelling about how she never gets to have a dog for herself and that if i'm supposed to be some sort of dog expert I should be able to take the puppies. So I asked her where she got them from and she told me that an old lady was selling them. Which means that not only did she use <span style="text-decoration:underline">my kennel's</span> money to BUY puppies we can't take care of, but it also means that these dogs WEREN'T in a life threatening situation and they had a perfectly fine home. This whole situation is just unnecessary. <span style="font-weight:bold">I can't take them</span>! I've explained this to her over the past hour ATLEAST 10 times, but she refuses to listen to me. Which is extremely disrespectful considering the fact that I OWN this kennel and i'm PAYING her to work here.. something that I don't have to do since she doesn't pay rent but parked her RV on my land and lives there. -.- I brought the puppies into my room, the only place not currently occupied by animals, and took a closer look. It's worse then I thought. Judging by their teeth they're only around four weeks old, maybe younger. I'm trying to get a name out of my cousin, trying to make her tell me where she got the pups from, but she wont say anything. I've been calling some connections I have for two hours or so, trying to find the puppies better homes, but I got nothing. No one is willing to take in puppies that will need so much more care. My mother's going to take a look when she gets here tomorrow, it'll be good to have a vet's opinion. I've been thinking about threatening to kick my cousin out, but I can't bring myself to do something like that, not yet atleast. -.- I've also been thinking about expanding the kennels, building another area. But that would only encourage me to take on more animals that I don't have the time for right now. And i'm not about to spend hundreds of dollars on construction just to house two more puppies that could have stayed where they were, sorry, not gonna happen. I have to find another way. I even tried calling Animal Control to see if they could force my cousin to tell them where she got the puppies from, considering the fact that the pups are way to young to be sold, and that could be considered Animal abuse on the old lady's behalf. -.- But that had no effect. I thought about giving them to the shelter, but they'd probably die because our shelters are already over run by dogs, adults AND little puppies. UGH. I'm out of ideas and out of time. My next class starts in two hours, i'll just have to leave the puppies in my room for now. My cousin locked herself in her trailer thing and wont come back to the kennels to talk to me. -.- Such a child. I had to vent to VP about what's happening. But now it's time to 'start' my day. -.- Thanks for reading ... ... ...
Goodbye old VP, hello disaster. xD
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!